zhejiang university
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Repairing Adversarial Texts Through Perturbation00.342022
Automatic Fairness Testing of Neural Classifiers Through Adversarial Sampling00.342022
Automatic Solution Summarization for Crash Bugs00.342021
MixGCF: An Improved Training Method for Graph Neural Network-based Recommender Systems20.362021
Context-aware Retrieval-based Deep Commit Message Generation10.352021
White-box fairness testing through adversarial sampling110.542020
Towards Interpreting Recurrent Neural Networks through Probabilistic Abstraction00.342020
Towards Repairing Neural Networks Correctly00.342020
Neural Network-based Detection of Self-Admitted Technical Debt: From Performance to Explainability.190.582019
Detecting Adversarial Samples for Deep Neural Networks through Mutation Testing.40.412018
Adversarial Sample Detection for Deep Neural Network through Model Mutation Testing.170.602018
Towards optimal concolic testing.90.562018
API method recommendation without worrying about the task-API knowledge gap.220.652018
Improving Automated Bug Triaging with Specialized Topic Model.260.762017
Language Inclusion Checking of Timed Automata with Non-Zenoness.00.342017
Extracting and analyzing time-series HCI data from screen-captured task videos.110.532017
HYDRA: Massively Compositional Model for Cross-Project Defect Prediction.550.942016
Time-Aware and Sparsity-Tolerant QoS Prediction Based on Collaborative Filtering40.402016
A Spatial-Temporal QoS Prediction Approach for Time-aware Web Service Recommendation.260.792016
Improving Quality of Use Case Documents through Learning and User Interaction00.342016
Automated Bug Report Field Reassignment and Refinement Prediction.90.452016
Collective Personalized Change Classification With Multiobjective Search.100.422016
Predicting Crashing Releases of Mobile Applications.160.542016
BPMiner: mining developers' behavior patterns from screen-captured task videos.20.352016
How android app developers manage power consumption?: an empirical study by mining power management commits.70.442016
QoS Prediction of Web Services Based on Two-Phase K-Means Clustering230.762015
A Systematic Study on Explicit-State Non-Zenoness Checking for Timed Automata00.342015
ActivitySpace: A Remembrance Framework to Support Interapplication Information Needs70.452015
A Pattern-Based Code Transformation Approach for Cloud Application Migration20.382015
Automatic, high accuracy prediction of reopened bugs350.822015
Who should review this change?: Putting text and file location analyses together for more accurate recommendations230.732015
Experience report: An industrial experience report on test outsourcing practices10.352015
Reverse engineering time-series interaction data from screen-captured videos10.352015
ELBlocker: Predicting blocking bugs with ensemble imbalance learning.340.752015
Network-aware QoS prediction for Service Composition Using Geolocation130.562015
TagCombine: Recommending Tags to Contents in Software Information Sites100.512015
Dual analysis for recommending developers to resolve bugs270.722015
scvRipper: video scraping tool for modeling developers' behavior using interaction data50.402015
Tracking and Analyzing Cross-Cutting Activities in Developers' Daily Work (N)40.442015
Are Timed Automata Bad for a Specification Language? Language Inclusion Checking for Timed Automata.60.452014
Automatic early defects detection in use case documents60.432014
Experience Report State-Replication-Based Matching System00.342014
Cross-language bug localization160.562014
Towards more accurate multi-label software behavior learning240.712014
BOAT: an experimental platform for researchers to comparatively and reproducibly evaluate bug localization techniques20.382014
Reliability-Based Design Optimization for Cloud Migration150.602014
Towards more accurate content categorization of API discussions120.532014
The Role of Requirements Engineering Practices in Agile Development: An Empirical Study70.482014
Reputation-Aware QoS Value Prediction of Web Services220.742013
Geographic Location-Based Network-Aware QoS Prediction for Service Composition110.542013
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