Grace International Group, Division R&D, Montreal, Canada
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Efficient Adaptive Online Learning via Frequent Directions00.342022
Improving Neural Network Verification through Spurious Region Guided Refinement.00.342021
Evaluation of the Radiometric Calibration of FY4A-AGRI Thermal Infrared Data Using Lake Qinghai00.342021
DSMN: A Personalized Information Retrieval Algorithm Based on Improved DSSM00.342021
Cross-Cultural O2o English Teaching Based On Ai Emotion Recognition And Neural Network Algorithm00.342021
Analysis Of The Parameter Extraction For On-Chip Transmission Lines00.342020
Double Wronskian solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Broer-Kaup-Kupershmidt equation00.342020
A New Type Of Solitary Wave Solution Of The Mkdv Equation Under Singular Perturbations00.342020
A Deep Exploration of BitLocker Encryption and Security Analysis00.342020
Entropy Analysis On The Blood Flow Through Anisotropically Tapered Arteries Filled With Magnetic Zinc-Oxide (Zno) Nanoparticles10.482020
Fast Decryption of Excel Document Encrypted by RC4 Algorithm00.342020
Proving Non-inclusion of Büchi Automata Based on Monte Carlo Sampling.00.342020
High Spatiotemporal Resolution Mapping of Surface Water in the Southwest Poyang Lake and Its Responses to Climate Oscillations.00.342020
6dof Pose Estimation Of Transparent Object From A Single Rgb-D Image00.342020
Design and Optimization for 77 GHz Series-Fed Patch Array Antenna Based on Genetic Algorithm.00.342020
Full-Sphere Binaural Sound Source Localization Using Multi-task Neural Network00.342020
Convolutional Capsule-Based Network for Person Re-identification00.342019
Active attitude fault-tolerant tracking control of flexible spacecraft via the Chebyshev neural network00.342019
Chinese Event Detection Based On Multi-Feature Fusion And Bilstm00.342019
A Write-Verification Method for Non-Volatile Memory00.342019
An Extensive Analysis of TrueCrypt Encryption Forensics00.342019
Deep Learning for an Anti-Jamming CPM Receiver00.342019
Adaptive Indoor Localization with Wi-Fi Based on Transfer Learning00.342019
Zero-Shot Restoration of Back-lit Images Using Deep Internal Learning00.342019
A Margin Adjustable Amplifier Circuit for RRAM Read Access00.342019
Generative Adversarial Network-Based Image Super-Resolution With A Novel Quality Loss00.342019
Plant Leaf Recognition Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets00.342019
Model Checking Probabilistic Epistemic Logic for Probabilistic Multiagent Systems.00.342018
Learning Büchi Automata and Its Applications.00.342018
不平衡数据分类研究综述 (Overview of Imbalanced Data Classification).00.342018
An Image dehazing approach based on the airlight field estimation.00.342018
A Wasserstein GAN model with the total variational regularization.00.342018
Research on Degeneration Model of Neural Network for Deep Groove Ball Bearing Based on Feature Fusion.30.512018
Model Checking Differentially Private Properties.00.342018
𝓁1-regression with Heavy-tailed Distributions.00.342018
Advanced automata-based algorithms for program termination checking.20.372018
Multidiscipline Integrated Platform Based on Probabilistic Analysis for Manufacturing Engineering Processes.00.342018
Efficient Asynchronous Communication between Virtual Machines in Embedded Systems00.342017
A Novel Learning Algorithm For Buchi Automata Based On Family Of Dfas And Classification Trees00.342017
A Layer-Mixed FEC Scheme for Scalable Media Transmission Over Mobile TV Services.00.342017
GPU-Accelerated Value Iteration for the Computation of Reachability Probabilities in MDPs.00.342016
A Simple Algorithm For Solving Qualitative Probabilistic Parity Games40.402016
Verify LTL with Fairness Assumptions Efficiently10.362016
Learning Weighted Assumptions for Compositional Verification of Markov Decision Processes.30.392016
Observability of Boolean Control Networks: A Unified Approach Based on Finite Automata.350.912016
A projection-based decomposition for the scalability of evolvable hardware30.402016
A systematic EHW approach to the evolutionary design of sequential circuits10.352016
A space-efficient simulation algorithm on probabilistic automata.30.392016
A Weighted Pair Graph Representation for Reconstructibility of Boolean Control Networks.90.462016
Multiphase until formulas over Markov reward models: An algebraic approach.00.342016
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