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Pronounce differently, mean differently: A multi-tagging-scheme learning method for Chinese NER integrated with lexicon and phonetic features00.342022
One-Stage Tree: end-to-end tree builder and pruner00.342022
PSP: Progressive Space Pruning for Efficient Graph Neural Architecture Search00.342022
Knowledge-enhanced Black-box Attacks for Recommendations00.342022
Liquid: Intelligent Resource Estimation and Network-Efficient Scheduling for Deep Learning Jobs on Distributed GPU Clusters20.362022
Fluid: Dataset Abstraction and Elastic Acceleration for Cloud-native Deep Learning Training Jobs00.342022
Octopus-DF: Unified DataFrame-based cross-platform data analytic system00.342022
Meces: Latency-efficient Rescaling via Prioritized State Migration for Stateful Distributed Stream Processing Systems00.342022
Empirical analysis of performance bottlenecks in graph neural network training and inference with GPUs00.342021
Push-Based Network-efficient Hadoop YARN Scheduling Mechanism for In-Memory Computing00.342019
ForestLayer: Efficient training of deep forests on distributed task-parallel platforms.10.372019
Correlation-aware partitioning for skewed range query optimization.00.342019
DGST: Efficient and scalable suffix tree construction on distributed data-parallel platforms.00.342019
Adaptive cache policy scheduling for big data applications on distributed tiered storage system.00.342019
ZenLDA: Large-scale topic model training on distributed data-parallel platform.10.362018
An Adaptive Partition-Based Caching Approach for Efficient Range Queries on Key-Value Data.10.352016
Accelerating Big Data Applications on Tiered Storage System with Various Eviction Policies00.342016
PTR: Phrase-Based Topical Ranking for Automatic Keyphrase Extraction in Scientific Publications.20.362016
CPS model based online opinion governance modeling and evaluation of emergency accidents.00.342016
Unified Programming Model and Software Framework for Big Data Machine Learning and Data Analytics00.342015
Efficient large scale distributed matrix computation with spark20.372015
Parallel Training GBRT Based on KMeans Histogram Approximation for Big Data.00.342015
Cichlid: Efficient Large Scale RDFS/OWL Reasoning with Spark90.642015
ZenLDA: An Efficient and Scalable Topic Model Training System on Distributed Data-Parallel Platform10.362015
AutoRM: An effective approach for automatic Web data record mining50.402015
iPLAR: Towards Interactive Programming with Parallel Linear Algebra in R.10.432015
ParLearning Keynotes00.342015
CinHBa: A Secondary Index with Hotscore Caching Policy on Key-Value Data Store.40.432014
Training Large Scale Deep Neural Networks on the Intel Xeon Phi Many-Core Coprocessor100.622014
SHadoop: Improving MapReduce performance by optimizing job execution mechanism in Hadoop clusters281.012014
YAFIM: A Parallel Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm with Spark250.982014
Multi-feature and DAG-Based Multi-tree Matching Algorithm for Automatic Web Data Mining10.352014
Extraction Rule Language for Web Information Extraction and Integration10.362013
Layered and Weighted Tree Matching Algorithm for Automatic Web Data Records Recognition00.342013
Parallel Approach and Platform for Large-Scale WEB Data Extraction00.342013
Nexir: A Novel Web Extraction Rule Language Toward A Three-Stage Web Data Extraction Model20.372013
Reception of Space: Inspiring Design without a Designer.00.342013
A parallel computing platform for training large scale neural networks90.692013
Large Scale Nearest Neighbors Search Based on Neighborhood Graph20.402013
Parallelized Similarity Flooding Algorithm for Processing Large Scale Graph Datasets with MapReduce00.342012
Performance Optimization for Short MapReduce Job Execution in Hadoop40.452012
PSON: A Parallelized SON Algorithm with MapReduce for Mining Frequent Sets10.362011
Improvements on Teaching Methods and Contents for the "Computer Organization and Architecture" Curriculum00.342009
Bases of primitive non-powerful signed symmetric digraphs with loops.10.412009
JXP4BIGI: a generalized, Java XML-based approach for biological information gathering and integration.70.692003
An Internet-based negotiation server for e-commerce473.522001