Department of Computer Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
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Effect of Hyper-Threading in Latency-Critical Multithreaded Cloud Applications and Utilization Analysis of the Major System Resources00.342022
VMT: Virtualized Multi-Threading for Accelerating Graph Workloads on Commodity Processors00.342022
Bandwidth-Aware Dynamic Prefetch Configuration for IBM POWER8.10.352020
Phase-Aware Cache Partitioning to Target Both Turnaround Time and System Performance.10.352020
Thread Isolation to Improve Symbiotic Scheduling on SMT Multicore Processors.00.342020
An efficient cache flat storage organization for multithreaded workloads for low power processors00.342020
An Aging-Aware GPU Register File Design Based on Data Redundancy.00.342019
Efficient Management of Cache Accesses to Boost GPGPU Memory Subsystem Performance00.342019
FOS: a low-power cache organization for multicores00.342019
Modeling and analysis of the performance of exascale photonic networks.00.342019
Way Combination for an Adaptive and Scalable Coherence Directory00.342019
Accurately modeling the on-chip and off-chip GPU memory subsystem.40.442018
Improving System Turnaround Time with Intel CAT by Identifying LLC Critical Applications.00.342018
A Workload Generator for Evaluating SMT Real-Time Systems00.342018
Improving GPU Cache Hierarchy Performance with a Fetch and Replacement Cache.00.342018
Workload Characterization for Exascale Computing Networks00.342018
Designing lab sessions focusing on real processors for computer architecture courses: A practical perspective.00.342018
Modeling a Photonic Network for Exascale Computing10.402017
Application Clustering Policies to Address System Fairness with Intel’s Cache Allocation Technology20.362017
A Hardware Approach to Fairly Balance the Inter-Thread Interference in Shared Caches.00.342017
Perf&Fair: A Progress-Aware Scheduler to Enhance Performance and Fairness in SMT Multicores.30.392017
Exploiting Data Compression to Mitigate Aging in GPU Register Files00.342017
Improving IBM POWER8 Performance Through Symbiotic Job Scheduling.00.342017
On Microarchitectural Mechanisms for Cache Wearout Reduction.40.462017
A research-oriented course on Advanced Multicore Architecture: Contents and active learning methodologies.10.412017
Student Research Poster: A Low Complexity Cache Sharing Mechanism to Address System Fairness.00.342016
A dynamic execution time estimation model to save energy in heterogeneous multicores running periodic tasks.40.402016
Impact of Memory-Level Parallelism on the Performance of GPU Coherence Protocols00.342016
Enhancing the L1 Data Cache Design to Mitigate HCI20.372016
Bandwidth-Aware On-Line Scheduling in SMT Multicores30.412016
Current Challenges In Simulations Of Hpc Systems00.342015
A reuse-based refresh policy for energy-aware eDRAM caches.10.342015
Addressing Fairness in SMT Multicores with a Progress-Aware Scheduler70.432015
Accurately modeling the GPU memory subsystem20.432015
A Research-Oriented Course on Advanced Multicore Architecture00.342015
Addressing bandwidth contention in SMT multicores through scheduling10.352014
Combining RAM technologies for hard-error recovery in L1 data caches working at very-low power modes50.432013
L1-bandwidth aware thread allocation in multicore SMT processors110.682013
Exploiting reuse information to reduce refresh energy in on-chip eDRAM caches20.362013
Power-aware scheduling with effective task migration for real-time multicore embedded systems.100.532013
Using Huge Pages And Performance Counters To Determine The Llc Architecture00.342013
Impact on performance and energy of the retention time and processor frequency in L1 macrocell-based data caches00.342012
A cost-effective heuristic to schedule local and remote memory in cluster computers30.402012
Understanding Cache Hierarchy Contention in CMPs to Improve Job Scheduling40.412012
Combining recency of information with selective random and a victim cache in last-level caches40.552012
OMHI 2012: first international workshop on on-chip memory hierarchies and interconnects: organization, management and implementation00.342012
Page-Based Memory Allocation Policies of Local and Remote Memory in Cluster Computers00.342012
A New Energy-Aware Dynamic Task Set Partitioning Algorithm for Soft and Hard Embedded Real-Time Systems80.712011
A cluster computer performance predictor for memory scheduling00.342011
Improving Last-Level Cache Performance by Exploiting the Concept of MRU-Tour00.342011
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