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Virtual Creature Morphology - A Review00.342021
The effects of population size and information update rates on the emergent patterns of cooperative clusters in a large-scale social particle swarm model00.342020
Bird Song Diamond in Deep Space 8k00.342020
The Evolution Of Cooperation Based On Indirect Reciprocity And Spatial Locality In Continuous Space00.342020
A 3d Simulation Framework Based On Body-Controller Coevolution Of Virtual Creatures For Investigating The Origin Of Acoustic Interactions00.342020
Evolution of Complex Niche-Constructing Behaviors and Ecological Inheritance of Adaptive Structures in a Physically Grounded Environment.00.342020
Cutting Characteristics Of Direct Milling Of Cemented Tungsten Carbides Using Diamond-Coated Carbide End Mills With Untreated And Treated Cutting Edge00.342019
Complex systems approaches to temporal soundspace partitioning in bird communities as a self-organizing phenomenon based on behavioral plasticity00.342019
Effects of individual and social learning on the evolution of co-creative linguistic communication00.342019
Evolution of four forms of reciprocity in the prisoner’s dilemma game00.342019
Hark-Bird-Box: A Portable Real-Time Bird Song Scene Analysis System00.342018
Extracting The Relationship Between The Spatial Distribution And Types Of Bird Vocalizations Using Robot Audition System Hark00.342018
A Spatial-Cue-Based Probabilistic Model for Bird Song Scene Analysis00.342017
HARKBird: Exploring Acoustic Interactions in Bird Communities Using a Microphone Array.10.392017
Bird Song Scene Analysis Using a Spatial-Cue-Based Probabilistic Model.20.442017
Virtual experience of complex dynamics emerging in a social particle swarm model by sonification.00.342017
The emergence of executive functions by the evolution of second-order learning00.342017
Evolution of a complex anti-predator niche construction in a physical 2D predator-prey simulation and a feature analysis of defensive structures using a deep auto-encoder.00.342017
Acoustic Monitoring of the Great Reed Warbler Using Multiple Microphone Arrays and Robot Audition.10.372017
A Statistical Analysis Of Behavioral Bursts Occurring In A Social Networking Game00.342017
Equality seekers or moderate monopolists: Social structure affects the evolution of distributive norms.00.342016
How ecological inheritance can affect the evolution of complex niche construction in a 2D physical simulation.00.342016
Population and Evolutionary Dynamics based on Predator-Prey Relationships in a 3D Physical Simulation.30.442016
Artificial Metamorphosis: Evolutionary Design of Transforming, Soft-Bodied Robots.30.392016
ALife approach to eco-evo-devo using evolution of virtual creatures20.372016
From tadpole to frog: artificial metamorphosis as a method of evolving self-reconfiguring robots.00.342015
Coevolution of Cooperation and Layer Selection Strategy in Multiplex Networks.00.342015
Effects of Topological Variations on Opinion Dynamics Optimizer00.342015
Improving Evolvability of Morphologies and Controllers of Developmental Soft-Bodied Robots with Novelty Search00.342015
Selection for Representation in Higher-Order Adaptation10.412015
Evolutionary change precedes extinction in eco-evolutionary dynamics based on a 3D virtual predator-prey system.00.342015
Using Second Order Learning to Evolve Social Representation (Theory of Mind).20.442014
Effects Of Ecological Inheritance On Coevolution Of Cooperative Behaviors And Physically Niche Constructing Behaviors00.342014
A minimal model of coevolution between learning and niche construction.00.342014
A procedure for constructing social network using Web search engines: the case for Japanese automotive industry00.342014
Coevolutionary Dynamics Caused by Asymmetries in Predator-Prey and Morphology-Behavior Relationships10.372013
Selection for reinforcement-free learning ability as an organizing factor in the evolution of cognition30.452013
Cyclic Behavior in Gene-Culture Coevolution Mediated by Phenotypic Plasticity in Language00.342013
ALife approach for body-behavior predator---prey coevolution: body first or behavior first?30.412013
Coevolution of multiple species through niche construction modifying shared environments00.342013
Evolution of Social Representation in Neural Networks20.352013
DE/isolated/1: a new mutation operator for multimodal optimization with differential evolution30.412013
Evolution of Virtual Creature Foraging in a Physical Environment.60.572012
Coevolutionary Dynamics between Roles and Social Sensitivity in an Extended Minority Game.00.342012
Self-organizing stability of the food web that emerges from the evolution of restrictions on speciation00.342012
Coevolution of cooperation and niche construction based on modifications of physical structures of interactions00.342012
Second Order Learning and the Evolution of Mental Representation.60.652012
iSoundScape: adaptive walk on a fitness soundscape00.342011
Visualizing language evolution as an emergent phenomenon based on biological evolution and learning10.482011
A Constructive Approach to the Evolution of the Planning Ability00.342011
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