Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia
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Deep Reinforcement Learning for Time Allocation and Directional Transmission in Joint Radar-Communication00.342022
Repair Rates for Multiple Descriptions on Distributed Storage00.342022
Optimized Shallow Neural Networks for Sum-Rate Maximization in Energy Harvesting Downlink Multiuser NOMA Systems00.342021
Fully Private Coded Matrix Multiplication From Colluding Workers00.342021
Shallow Reinforcement Learning for Energy Harvesting Communications With Imperfect Channel Knowledge00.342021
Securely Straggler-Exploiting Coded Computation for Distributed Matrix Multiplication00.342021
An Efficient Neural Network Architecture for Rate Maximization in Energy Harvesting Downlink Channels00.342020
Rl-Based Transmission Completion Time Minimization With Energy Harvesting For Time-Varying Channels00.342020
Ten Misunderstandings about Maturity Models.00.342020
Rest: Performance Improvement Of A Black Box Model Via Rl-Based Spatial Transformation00.342020
Repair of Multiple Descriptions on Distributed Storage00.342020
Sum-Throughput Maximization For Noma-Based Wpcn With Signal Alignment00.342020
Joint Modulation and Beamforming for MIMO Systems With 1-b DACs00.342020
Cooperative Wireless Powered Communication Networks With Interference Harvesting.30.372018
A Peer-to-Peer Interference Analysis for Automotive Chirp Sequence Radars.00.342018
A Delay Relaxed RLS-DCD Algorithm for Real-Time Implementation.30.422018
Action-Bounding for Reinforcement Learning in Energy Harvesting Communication Systems.00.342018
Information Technology and Crafting of Job: Shaping Future of Work?00.342018
Linear Degrees of Freedom of Full-Duplex Cellular Networks with Reconfigurable Antennas.00.342017
Repair of Multiple Descriptions on Distributed Storage.00.342017
Relay-Aided NOMA in Uplink Cellular Networks.70.412017
Generative Adversarial Trainer: Defense to Adversarial Perturbations with GAN.170.542017
Linear Degrees of Freedom for K-user MISO Interference Channels With Blind Interference Alignment.00.342017
Locally Repairable Codes with Unequal Locality Requirements.20.372017
Compressed Sensing-Aided Downlink Channel Training for FDD Massive MIMO Systems.20.362017
Cyclic Interference Alignment for Full-Duplex Multi-Antenna Cellular Networks.30.392017
Projection-Based Differential Feedback for FDD Massive MIMO Systems.60.552017
Topological Interference Management with Reconfigurable Antennas.10.412016
Grassmannian training for massive MIMO cellular networks00.342016
Relay-Aided Space-Time Beamforming for Interference Networks With Partial Channel Knowledge.10.362016
Generalizing ICT User typologies.00.342016
On the number of users served in MIMO-NOMA cellular networks.30.452016
Linear Degrees of Freedom for $K $-user MISO Interference Channels with Blind Interference Alignment.10.362016
A MIMO Relay With Delayed Feedback Can Improve DoF in K-User MISO Interference Channel With No CSIT.00.342016
Electronic Citizens Participation: Systematic Review.40.392016
BIGtensor: Mining Billion-Scale Tensor Made Easy90.502016
Experimental study on pressure resistance performance of the plastic housing for the underwater robot system00.342016
On The Achievability Of Interference Alignment For Full-Duplex Cellular Networks With Multiple Antennas00.342016
A Novel Relay-Aided Successive Aligned Interference Cancellation for X Channels with Blind Transmitters.00.342016
Degrees Of Freedom For K-User Siso Interference Channels With Blind Interference Alignment40.442015
Designed Interdependence, Growing Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in IS Project Teams00.342015
Online update techniques for projection based Robust Principal Component Analysis10.342015
Retrospective Interference Alignment for the Two-Cell MIMO Interfering Multiple Access Channel30.412015
Applying social exchange theory in IT service relationships: exploring roles of exchange characteristics in knowledge sharing10.352015
Interference Alignment Based On Stacked Alamouti Code For 2x2 X Channels With Multiple Antennas00.342015
Exposing Different Orientations of Website Users: An Exploratory Analysis using Q Methodology.00.342015
Developing a User-Centric Taxonomy of Games Using Repertory Grid Analysis.00.342015
A Firm'S Post-Adoption Behavior: Loyalty Or Switching Costs?60.452014
Communication Effectiveness On It Service Relationship Quality30.432014
Exploring The Impact Of Empowering Leadership On Knowledge Sharing, Absorptive Capacity And Team Performance In It Service60.452014
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