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Risk-Based Elicitation of Security Requirements According to the ISO 27005 Standard.00.342018
Evaluation of the CORAL Approach for Risk-driven Security Testing based on an Industrial Case Study.00.342016
The FLUIDE Framework for Specifying Emergency Response User Interfaces Employed to a Search and Rescue Case.20.392016
Design Decisions In The Development Of A Graphical Language For Risk-Driven Security Testing00.342016
A case-based assessment of the FLUIDE framework for specifying emergency response user interfaces.00.342016
Stepwise refinement of sequence diagrams with soft real-time constraints00.342015
Assessing the Usefulness of Testing for Validating and Correcting Security Risk Models Based on Two Industrial Case Studies00.342015
Security risk analysis of system changes exemplified within the oil and gas domain10.362015
Approaches for the combined use of risk analysis and testing: a systematic literature review110.492014
Schematic Generation of English-Prose Semantics for a Risk Analysis Language Based on UML Interactions00.342014
A Systematic Method For Risk-Driven Test Case Design Using Annotated Sequence Diagrams20.482013
An approach to select cost-effective risk countermeasures30.522013
Relating computer systems to sequence diagrams: the impact of underspecification and inherent nondeterminism.20.372013
An Approach to Select Cost-Effective Risk Countermeasures Exemplified in CORAS30.592013
A pattern-based method for safe control systems exemplified within nuclear power production80.742012
Assessing practical usefulness and performance of the PREDIQT method: An industrial case study30.482012
Generic functionality in user interfaces for emergency response90.972011
An architectural pattern for enterprise level monitoring tools30.422011
An evaluation of the graphical modeling framework (GMF) based on the development of the CORAS tool70.802011
Experiences from Using Indicators to Validate Expert Judgments in Security Risk Analysis00.342011
A Denotational Model for Component-Based Risk Analysis.10.482011
Preservation of Policy Adherence under Refinement.20.412011
Towards Patterns For Handling Safety Critical Adaptive Control Software00.342011
Evaluation of Experiences from Applying the PREDIQT Method in an Industrial Case Study10.402011
Risk analysis of changing and evolving systems using CORAS131.412011
Uncertainty, subjectivity, trust and risk: how it all fits together30.492011
SACS: a pattern language for safe adaptive control software.20.402011
Evolution in Relation to Risk and Trust Management151.852010
Experiences from using a UML-based method for trust analysis in an industrial project on electronic procurement10.382010
Modular analysis and modelling of risk scenarios with dependencies90.872010
Idea: a feasibility study in model based prediction of impact of changes on system quality40.512010
Ad Hoc Networks and Mobile Devices in Emergency Response - A Perfect Match? - (Invited Paper)40.452010
Simplifying Parametrization of Bayesian Networks in Prediction of System Quality10.402009
Employing Key Indicators to Provide a Dynamic Risk Picture with a Notion of Confidence70.702009
Adherence preserving refinement of trace-set properties in STAIRS: exemplified for information flow properties and policies30.382009
A Transformational Approach to Facilitate Monitoring of High-Level Policies20.372008
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Quality of Protection, QoP 2008, Alexandria, VA, USA, October 27, 2008102.572008
Compositional Refinement of Policies in UML --- Exemplified for Access Control40.432008
A UML-based Method for the Development of Policies to Support Trust Management.51.152008
Extending UML sequence diagrams to model trust-dependent behavior with the aim to support risk analysis50.542008
Using dependent CORAS diagrams to analyse mutual dependency50.632007
Proceedings of the 3th ACM Workshop on Quality of Protection, QoP 2007, Alexandria, VA, USA, October 29, 2007121.652007
Specifying Policies Using UML Sequence Diagrams--An Evaluation Based on a Case Study40.422007
Semantics of UML models for dynamic behavior: a survey of different approaches10.362007
Trust Management, 4th International Conference, iTrust 2006, Pisa, Italy, May 16-19, 2006, Proceedings363.922006
Information flow property preserving transformation of UML interaction diagrams60.442006
Underspecification, inherent nondeterminism and probability in sequence diagrams80.592006
Using model-based security analysis in component-oriented system development60.632006
A semantic paradigm for component-based specification integrating a notion of security risk00.342006
Deriving tests from UML 2.0 sequence diagrams with neg and assert100.642006
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