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Introduction to Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange Minitrack00.342017
Introduction to the Minitrack on Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations00.342016
Introduction to Social Media and Workplace: Job and Work Design Issues in a Social Enterprise Minitrack00.342014
Introduction to Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange Minitrack00.342014
Exploring the Differences among IT Majors and Non-Majors: Modeling the Effects of Gender Role Congruity, Individual Identity, and IT Self-Efficacy on IT Career Choices.10.362013
Introduction to Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations Minitrack00.342013
Is Crowdsourcing a Source of Worker Empowerment or Exploitation? Understanding Crowd Workers' Perceptions of Crowdsourcing Career.60.422013
Data Cleansing Decisions: Insights from Discrete-Event Simulations of Firm Resources and Data Quality.20.462012
Understanding underrepresentation in IT through intersectionality90.552012
The State of Social Computing Research: A Literature Review and Synthesis using the Latent Semantic Analysis Approach.40.422012
The Pathway to Enterprise Mobile Readiness: Analysis of Perceptions, Pressures, Preparedness, and Progression.00.342012
Experimental Study of Some Variable Impedance Type FACTS Devices00.342011
A Review of Community of Practice in Organizations: Key Findings and Emerging Themes70.552011
Choosing IT as a Career: Exploring the Role of Self-Efficacy and Perceived Importance of IT Skills.110.682010
Millennials and Masculinity: A Shifting Tide of Gender Typing of ICT?80.622010
Changing the Competitive Landscape: Continuous Innovation Through IT-Enabled Knowledge Capabilities1012.182010
Excellence in IT Consulting: Integrating Multiple Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Top Performers100.662010
Comparison of Double Loop, Direct-Output-Voltage and Fuzzy-PI Control Strategies for D-STATCOM00.342010
Alliance Network, Information Technology, and Firm Innovation: Findings from Pharmaceutical Industry.50.402010
Taking stock of research on gender and the IT workforce50.432010
Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) with Energy Storage00.342009
The reported and revealed importance of job attributes to aspiring information technology: a policy-capturing study of gender differences100.552009
Statcom Based Fuzzy Controller for Grid Connected Wind Generator00.342009
Synthesizing IT job skills identified in academic studies, practitioner publications and job ads210.912009
Knowledge transfer within information systems development teams: Examining the role of knowledge source attributes701.932007
Multiple stakeholders' perceptions of critical attributes of a top performer: exploring the effects of congruency00.342007
Is the information systems profession gendered?: characterization of IS professionals and IS career301.762006
Examining the Role of Knowledge, Source, Recipient, Relational, and Situational Context on Knowledge Transfer among Face-to-Face ISD Teams30.502006
The Impact of Knowledge, Source, Situational and Relational Context on Knowledge Transfer During ISD Process70.532005
Examining the masculinity and femininity of critical attributes necessary to succeed in IT50.462005
Knowledge transfer among face-to-face information systems development team members: examining the role of knowledge, source, and relational context120.922004
Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations: Minitrack Introduction00.342004
Knowledge transfer in virtual information systems development teams: an empirical examination of key enablers100.782003
Knowledge manipulation activities: results of a Delphi study816.772002
A collaborative approach to ontology design18812.852002
Organizational knowledge resources745.712001
Gender differences in IS career choice: examine the role of attitudes and social norms in selecting IS profession151.352001
Description and Analysis of Existing Knowledge Management Frameworks4412.221999