Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
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Aided Hand Detection In Thermal Imaging Using Rgb Stereo Vision00.342019
Cycle-bounded model checking of PLC software via dynamic large-block encoding.20.412018
Mode-Aware Concolic Testing For Plc Software Special Session "Formal Methods For The Design And Analysis Of Automated Production Systems"10.402018
Unterstützte Handerkennung in Thermographiebildern zur Validierung der hygienischen Händedesinfektion.00.342017
Model-in-the-Loop and Software-in-the-Loop Testing of Closed-Loop Automotive Software with Arttest.00.342017
HyPro: A C++ Library of State Set Representations for Hybrid Systems Reachability Analysis.50.472017
Combining Abstract Interpretation with Symbolic Execution for a Static Value Range Analysis of Block Diagrams.20.372016
Das Barrierenerkennungssystem von eNav.00.342016
Architectural Analysis of MATLAB/Simulink Models with Artshop00.342016
Flow Sensitive Slicing for MATLAB/Simulink Models50.462016
Abstract Interpretation for Block Diagrams - Two Case Studies.10.352016
Der Bodenbelag-Detektor des eNav-Systems.00.342016
Symbolic Verification of PLC Safety-Applications based on PLCopen Automata.10.352016
Evaluating Hand Disinfection with Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Using Thermal Imaging.00.342016
Static Value Range Analysis for Matlab/Simulink-Models.20.392015
Routing über Flächen mit SpiderWebGraph.00.342015
Analyzing the Restart Behavior of Industrial Control Applications.20.382015
Priority Inheritance during Remote Procedure Calls in Real-Time Android using Extended Binder Framework00.342015
Software-based Prediction of Cannula Occlusion During Extracorporeal Blood Circulation Through Networked Medical Data.00.342015
Editorial for the Software Engineering 2013 Conference.00.342015
Predictable Broadcasting of Parallel Intents in Real-Time Android60.462014
Runtime verification of microcontroller binary code30.412014
Development and execution of PLC programs on real-time capable mobile devices10.412014
Applying static code analysis on industrial controller code30.402014
Model checking and abstract interpretation as building blocks of advanced program analysis techniques - Selected papers from TACAS 2009.00.342013
Non-blocking garbage collection for real-time Android.90.612013
Abstract interpretation of microcontroller code: Intervals meet congruences30.452013
Ein Ansatz zum merkmalbasierten Konsistenzmanagement in der Produklinienentwicklung.00.342013
Preface to the special section on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2009 + FMICS 2010).00.342013
Load Balancing for Cross Layer Communication00.342012
Loop leaping with closures60.432012
A Native Approach to Modeling Timed Behavior in the Pi-Calculus30.392012
Static Analysis Of Lockless Microcontroller C Programs10.352012
Range and value-set analysis for programmable logic controllers.00.342012
Managing complexity and variability of a model-based embedded software product line100.562012
Arcade.PLC: a verification platform for programmable logic controllers170.902012
Integration and Analysis of Design Artefacts in Embedded Software Development20.372012
Testing Conformance of Life Cycle Dependent Properties of Mobile Applications80.862012
Access-Based Localization for Octagons30.392012
Invariants for LTI systems with uncertain input00.342012
Reverse Engineering and Testing Service Life Cycles of Mobile Platforms60.612012
Past time LTL runtime verification for microcontroller binary code40.432011
Application of static analyses for state-space reduction to the microcontroller binary code90.552011
Self-balancing controllable robots in education: a practical course for bachelor students00.342011
Experiences of applying model-based analysis to support the development of automotive software product lines60.502011
TripleT: Improving Test Responsiveness for High Performance Embedded Systems00.342011
Estimation of Clock Drift in HiL Testing by Property-Based Conformance Check00.342011
Coping with Complexity of Testing Models for Real-Time Embedded Systems00.342011
Adaptable Value-Set Analysis for Low-Level Code.10.352011
Analyzing Embedded Systems Code for Mixed-Critical Systems Using Hybrid Memory Representations.10.362011
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