INRIA Rennes, Bretagne Atlantique/IRISA, Université Rennes 1, Rennes Cedex, France 35042
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Maximizing Error Injection Realism for Chaos Engineering With System Calls00.342022
Harvesting Production GraphQL Queries to Detect Schema Faults00.342022
The Multibillion Dollar Software Supply Chain of Ethereum00.342022
Long Live Software Easter Eggs!: They are as old as software.00.342022
Advanced and efficient execution trace management for executable domain-specific modeling languages.10.342019
The Maven Dependency Graph: a Temporal Graph-based Representation of Maven Central.10.352019
Browser Fingerprinting: A Survey20.392019
A Journey Among Java Neutral Program Variants.20.362019
Modeling Variability in the Video Domain: Language and Experience Report70.452019
Human-competitive Patches in Automatic Program Repair with Repairnator.10.352018
Reverse engineering language product lines from existing DSL variants.40.392018
Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation.10.352018
Code{strata} Sonifying Software Complexity.00.342018
Automatic Quality Assurance and Release (Dagstuhl Seminar 18122).00.342018
Automatic detection of GUI design smells: the case of Blob listener.10.352017
Automated extraction of product comparison matrices from informal product descriptions.150.572017
The Emerging Field of Test Amplification: A Survey.00.342017
Automatic non-functional testing of code generators families.00.342016
Exploiting the enumeration of all feature model configurations: a new perspective with distributed computing.20.362016
NOTICE: A Framework for Non-Functional Testing of Compilers10.342016
Puzzle: A Tool for Analyzing and Extracting Specification Clones in DSLs.20.362016
Leveraging Software Product Lines Engineering in the development of external DSLs: A systematic literature review.00.342016
Beauty and the Beast: Diverting Modern Web Browsers to Build Unique Browser Fingerprints311.222016
B-Refactoring: Automatic test code refactoring to improve dynamic analysis.00.342016
libmask: Protecting browser JIT engines from the devil in the constants.00.342016
Classifying and Qualifying GUI Defects110.482015
Assessing product line derivation operators applied to Java source code: an empirical study20.422015
Product lines can jeopardize their trade secrets30.412015
On model-based testing advanced GUIs30.402015
Kompren: modeling and generating model slicers200.942015
MatrixMiner: a red pill to architect informal product descriptions in the matrix20.382015
Embedding Adaptivity in Software Systems using the ECSELR framework100.532015
Special issue for the ICST 2013 conference00.342015
A Generative Approach to Define Rich Domain-Specific Trace Metamodels80.482015
Discovering model transformation pre-conditions using automatically generated test models20.362015
A novelty search approach for automatic test data generation10.352015
Using Slicing to Improve the Performance of Model Invariant Checking10.352015
Emergent Robustness in Software Systems through Decentralized Adaptation: an Ecologically-Inspired ALife Approach00.342015
Supporting efficient and advanced omniscient debugging for xDSMLs100.492015
WebFML: synthesizing feature models everywhere60.402014
Customization and 3D printing: a challenging playground for software product lines60.542014
INCREMENT: A Mixed MDE-IR Approach for Regulatory Requirements Modeling and Analysis.50.452014
Towards Scalable Multidimensional Execution Traces for xDSMLs.40.402014
DIVERSIFY: Ecology-inspired software evolution for diversity emergence50.412014
Slicing-Based Techniques for Visualizing Large Metamodels40.392014
Scalable Armies of Model Clones through Data Sharing.50.492014
Automating the formalization of product comparison matrices120.532014
ViViD: a variability-based tool for synthesizing video sequences40.372014
A variability-based testing approach for synthesizing video sequences130.512014
Support for reverse engineering and maintaining feature models190.652013
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