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Sharper bounds on four lattice constants00.342022
Success-Probability-Based Power Allocation For Downlink Pnc In Multi-Way Relay Channels00.342021
On the Success Probability of Three Detectors for the Box-Constrained Integer Linear Model00.342021
META-Learning State-based Eligibility Traces for More Sample-Efficient Policy Evaluation00.342020
On the Randomized Babai Point00.342020
Design Criteria for Omnidirectional STBC in Massive MIMO Systems20.372019
Improved Upper Bounds On The Hermite And Kz Constants00.342019
Efficient Detection Scheme For Physical-Layer Network Coding In Multiway Relay Channels00.342019
On the KZ Reduction10.372019
Break the Ceiling: Stronger Multi-scale Deep Graph Convolutional Networks.00.342019
Success Probability Of A Suboptimal Solution To The Sparse Map Detection00.342018
A Novel Approach for Ellipsoidal Outer-Approximation of the Intersection Region of Ellipses in the Plane.00.342018
GfcLLL: A Greedy Selection-Based Approach for Fixed-Complexity LLL Reduction.00.342017
On the Success Probability of the Box-Constrained Rounding and Babai Detectors.00.342017
A KZ Reduction Algorithm.00.342017
Tight Two-Dimensional Outer-Approximations of Feasible Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks.20.372016
An Efficient Algorithm for Optimally Solving a Shortest Vector Problem in Compute-and-Forward Design.70.482016
GfcLLL: A Greedy Selection Based Approach for Fixed-Complexity LLL Reduction.10.372016
Sensor Localization In Nlos Environments With Anchor Uncertainty And Unknown Clock Parameters00.342015
Distributed cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks without NLOS identification60.452014
Success probability of the Babai estimators for box-constrained integer linear models.261.012014
Cooperative localization of mobile nodes in NLOS30.382014
Mobile Localization in Non-Line-of-Sight Using Constrained Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filter80.472014
Lattice preconditioning for the real relaxation branch-and-bound approach for integer least squares problems30.402014
A Joint Localization and Clock Bias Estimation Technique Using Time-of-Arrival at Multiple Antenna Receivers00.342013
A Joint Localization And Synchronization Technique Using Time Of Arrival At Multiple Antenna Receivers10.352013
SyRaFa: Synchronous Rate and Frequency Adjustment for Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems30.372013
Effects of the LLL Reduction on the Success Probability of the Babai Point and on the Complexity of Sphere Decoding120.632012
On the perturbation of the Q-factor of the QR factorization.30.442012
TailCon: Power-Minimizing Tail Percentile Control of Response Time in Server Clusters80.492012
Column Reordering for Box-Constrained Integer Least Squares Problems20.362012
Perturbation Analysis of the QR factor R in the context of LLL lattice basis reduction.90.742012
Partial LLL Reduction20.382012
Rigorous Perturbation Bounds of Some Matrix Factorizations110.852010
Backward perturbation analysis for scaled total least-squares problems30.452009
Stopping Criteria for the Iterative Solution of Linear Least Squares Problems101.082009
Solving Ellipsoid-Constrained Integer Least Squares Problems100.552009
Towards A Backward Perturbation Analysis For Data Least Squares Problems20.472008
A Maximum-Likelihood Decoder with a New Reduction Strategy for MIMO Channel Systems00.342008
Solving Box-Constrained Integer Least Squares Problems311.362008
An efficient regularization approach for underdetermined MIMO system decoding50.522007
An Efficient Tree Search Decoder with Column Reordering for Underdetermined MIMO Systems50.452007
Computation of Huber's M-estimates for a block-angular regression problem10.382006
Asymptotic properties of the QR factorization of banded Hessenberg–Toeplitz matrices10.362005
Erratum to “Wavelet estimation of partially linear models” [Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 47/1 (2004) 31–48]00.342005
Computation of a Test Statistic in Data Quality Control10.412005
Wavelet estimation of partially linear models91.322004
An Orthogonal Transformation Algorithm for GPS Positioning70.922003
Numerical linear algebra in the integrity theory of the Global Positioning System10.412002
Componentwise perturbation analyses for the QR factorization121.162001