Search Limit
Sequential Change-Point Detection for High-Dimensional and Non-Euclidean Data00.342022
Task-optimized User Clustering based on Mobile App Usage for Cold-start Recommendations00.342022
ConcSpectre: Be Aware of Forthcoming Malware Hidden in Concurrent Programs00.342022
A Fast and Efficient Change-Point Detection Framework Based on Approximate k-Nearest Neighbor Graphs00.342022
AflIot: Fuzzing on linux-based IoT device with binary-level instrumentation00.342022
Stealing Neural Network Structure Through Remote Fpga Side-Channel Analysis00.342021
Stealing Neural Network Structure through Remote FPGA Side-channel Analysis10.352021
Automatically detecting and fixing concurrency bugs in go software systems10.352021
Protect Privacy Of Deep Classification Networks By Exploiting Their Generative Power00.342021
StyleCAPTCHA - CAPTCHA Based on Stylized Images to Defend against Deep Networks.00.342020
Practical No-box Adversarial Attacks against DNNs00.342020
Efficient Homomorphic Conversion Between (Ring) Lwe Ciphertexts00.342020
Backpropagating Linearly Improves Transferability of Adversarial Examples00.342020
senDroid: Auditing Sensor Access in Android System-Wide10.372020
Fooling Detection Alone is Not Enough: Adversarial Attack against Multiple Object Tracking00.342020
Explore the Transformation Space for Adversarial Images00.342020
Matryoshka: fuzzing deeply nested branches.50.422019
Homomorphic Encryption Standard.00.342019
Informer - irregular traffic detection for containerized microservices RPC in the real world.00.342019
Toward Scalable Fully Homomorphic Encryption Through Light Trusted Computing Assistance.00.342019
DeepIsoFun: A deep domain adaptation approach to predict isoform functions.20.362019
Angora: Efficient Fuzzing by Principled Search310.982018
Logistic regression over encrypted data from fully homomorphic encryption.20.422018
Labeled PSI from Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Malicious Security.50.402018
Falsified Data Attack on Backpressure-based Traffic Signal Control Algorithms10.392018
CHET: Compiler and Runtime for Homomorphic Evaluation of Tensor Programs.10.362018
Detecting third-party libraries in Android applications with high precision and recall100.472018
DNA copy number profiling using single-cell sequencing.10.372018
Evaluating private modes in desktop and mobile browsers and their resistance to fingerprinting.00.342017
Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library - SEAL v2.1.150.662017
Attacks on the Search-RLWE problem with small errors.00.342017
Private Queries on Encrypted Genomic Data.40.522017
Security Considerations for Galois Non-dual RLWE Families.00.342017
MagNet: a Two-Pronged Defense against Adversarial Examples.1463.942017
Surgescan: Enforcing Security Policies On Untrusted Third-Party Android Libraries00.342017
Attacks On The Search Rlwe Problem With Small Errors20.362017
On the Origin of Mobile Apps: Network Provenance for Android Applications.20.372016
Camera-Recognizable and Human-Invisible Labelling for Privacy Protection00.342016
revDroid: Code Analysis of the Side Effects after Dynamic Permission Revocation of Android Apps.80.482016
Vulnerable Galois RLWE Families and Improved Attacks.00.342016
AppShield: Enabling Multi-entity Access Control Cross Platforms for Mobile App Management.00.342016
Rethinking Permission Enforcement Mechanism on Mobile Systems.50.442016
Realizing the Fault-Tolerance Promise of Cloud Storage Using Locks with Intent.20.362016
POSTER: Security Analysis of Personal Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.00.342016
Predictive Eviction: A Novel Policy for Optimizing TLS Session Cache Performance.00.342015
FineDroid: Enforcing Permissions with System-Wide Application Execution Context.30.362015
Attacks on Search RLWE.120.552015
AnDarwin: Scalable Detection of Android Application Clones Based on Semantics140.572015
MAdFraud: investigating ad fraud in android applications561.452014
A Frequent Term-Based Multiple Clustering Approach for Text Documents.10.342014
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