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Co-MLHAN: contrastive learning for multilayer heterogeneous attributed networks00.342022
Network Analysis of the Information Consumption-Production Dichotomy in Mastodon User Behaviors00.342022
Information consumption and boundary spanning in Decentralized Online Social Networks: The case of Mastodon users.00.342022
LawNet-Viz: A Web-based System to Visually Explore Networks of Law Article References00.342022
Information consumption and boundary spanning in Decentralized Online Social Networks: The case of Mastodon users00.342022
Unsupervised law article mining based on deep pre-trained language representation models with application to the Italian civil code00.342022
Proceedings of the First International AAI4H - Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Workshop co-located with the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 4, 2020.00.342021
Correlation Clustering with Global Weight Bounds00.342021
Graph convolutional and attention models for entity classification in multilayer networks10.392021
Proceedings of the First International Workshop "CAiSE for Legal Documents" (COUrT 2020) co-located with the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2020), Grenoble, France, June 9, 2020.00.342020
Cores matter? An analysis of graph decomposition effects on influence maximization problems00.342020
A Framework for Complex Influence Propagation based on the F2DLT Class of Diffusion Models.00.342020
Multilayer network simplification: approaches, models and methods00.342020
Deep Auscultation: Predicting Respiratory Anomalies and Diseases via Recurrent Neural Networks10.382019
Dynamic consensus community detection and combinatorial multi-armed bandit.00.342019
Tutorial: Are You My Neighbor?: Bringing Order to Neighbor Computing Problems.00.342019
Are you an influencer, or a lurker? why not both! understanding alternate, opposite behaviors in complex social network systems by Diego Perna, Roberto Interdonato, and Andrea Tagarelli with Martin Vesely as coordinator00.342019
Complex influence propagation based on trust-aware dynamic linear threshold models.00.342019
Modularity in Multilayer Networks using Redundancy-based Resolution and Projection-based Inter-Layer Coupling00.342019
Consensus Community Detection in Multilayer Networks using Parameter-free Graph Pruning.10.352018
Ethics-aware Data Governance (Vision Paper).00.342018
Learning to lurker rank: an evaluation of learning-to-rank methods for lurking behavior analysis.00.342018
Learning to Rank Social Bots.00.342018
Node-centric community detection in multilayer networks with layer-coverage diversification bias.20.362017
Local community detection in multilayer networks.70.452017
A cloud based framework for Emergency Management: experiences in Calabria Region.00.342017
Exploring lurking behaviors in online social networks00.342017
Personalized Recommendation of Points-of-Interest Based on Multilayer Local Community Detection.00.342017
Controversy-Aware Hybrid Trust Inference In Online Social Networks00.342017
Revisiting Resolution and Inter-Layer Coupling Factors in Modularity for Multilayer Networks.10.352017
An Evaluation of Learning-to-Rank Methods for Lurking Behavior Analysis.20.352017
An information-theoretic approach to hierarchical clustering of uncertain data.30.382017
Modeling Evolutionary Dynamics of Lurking in Social Networks.30.402016
Controversy in Trust Networks.00.342016
MultiLingMine 2016: Modeling, Learning and Mining for Cross/Multilinguality.00.342016
Community-based delurking in social networks.10.362016
ECIR 2016 Workshop on Modeling, Learning and Mining for Cross/Multilinguality (MultiLingMine '16).00.342016
Knowledge-Based Representation for Transductive Multilingual Document Classification.40.502015
Metacluster-based Projective Clustering Ensembles30.362015
"Got to have faith!": The DEvOTION algorithm for delurking in social networks.40.412015
Ordered subtree mining via transactional mapping using a structure-preserving tree database schema10.352015
Multilingual Document Classification via Transductive Learning.00.342015
Time-aware Analysis and Ranking of Lurkers in Social Networks110.492015
Evaluation of an associative classifier based on position-constrained frequent/closed subtree mining10.362015
Linking Accounts across Social Networks: the Case of StackOverflow, Github and Twitter.00.342015
Lurking in social networks: topology-based analysis and ranking methods.130.532014
Semantic-Based Multilingual Document Clustering via Tensor Modeling.30.402014
Understanding lurking behaviors in social networks across time30.382014
The PackRec system for travel package recommendation.00.342014
Minimizing the Variance of Cluster Mixture Models for Clustering Uncertain Objects80.572013
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