Université de Montréal
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Video Game Project Management Anti-patterns00.342022
Foreword to SERP4IoT 202200.342022
Towards Automated Video Game Testing: Still a Long Way to Go00.342022
A Survey of Video Game Testing30.402021
Investigating Design Anti-Pattern And Design Pattern Mutations And Their Change- And Fault-Proneness00.342021
A Type-Sensitive Service Identification Approach for Legacy-to-SOA Migration.00.342020
A large scale empirical study of the impact of Spaghetti Code and Blob anti-patterns on program comprehension20.362020
Dataset of Video Game Development Problems10.352020
Improving Engagement Assessment in Gameplay Testing Sessions using IoT Sensors00.342020
Commit - Defect and Architectural Metrics - based Quality Assessment of C Language.00.342020
On the Study of Microservices Antipatterns: a Catalog Proposal20.412020
Code Smells and Refactoring: A Tertiary Systematic Review of Challenges and Observations70.622020
Can microservice-based online-retailers be used as an SPL? - a study of six reference architectures.00.342020
Is Fragmentation a Threat to the Success of the Internet of Things?50.672019
Anti-patterns for multi-language systems20.372019
On semantic detection of cloud API (anti)patterns.20.502019
Swarm debugging: The collective intelligence on interactive debugging.20.432019
Codifying Hidden Dependencies in Legacy J2EE Applications00.342018
A Static Program Slicing Approach for Output Stream Objects in JEE Applications.00.342018
How to Implement Dependencies in Server Pages of JEE Web Applications.00.342018
What Should You Know Before Developing a Service Identification Approach.00.342018
Identifying KDM Model of JSP Pages.00.342018
ProMeTA: a taxonomy for program metamodels in program reverse engineering.00.342018
State of the Practice in Service Identification for SOA Migration in Industry.00.342018
Noise in Mylyn interaction traces and its impact on developers and recommendation systems.10.362018
Developer interaction traces backed by IDE screen recordings from think aloud sessions.10.342018
On the Analysis of Co-Occurrence of Anti-Patterns and Clones00.342017
Investigating the relation between lexical smells and change- and fault-proneness: an empirical study.80.442017
How Do Developers Toggle Breakpoints? Observational Studies00.342017
Software evolution and quality data from controlled, multiple, industrial case studies.10.362017
Understanding interactive debugging with Swarm Debug Infrastructure20.362016
Error leakage and wasted time: sensitivity and effort analysis of a requirements consistency checking process.10.342016
Studying the Relation between Anti-Patterns in Design Models and in Source Code20.392016
Are the old days gone?: a survey on actual software engineering processes in video game industry.30.392016
Guest editorial for the special section with the extensions to the best papers from APSEC'13 and APSEC'14.00.342016
Evaluating the impact of design pattern and anti-pattern dependencies on changes and faults80.482016
Towards Understanding Interactive Debugging50.482016
Are REST APIs for Cloud Computing Well-Designed? An Exploratory Study.120.712016
An exploratory study of api changes and usages based on apache and eclipse ecosystems160.672016
Introduction to the special issue on software maintenance and evolution research.00.342015
Specification and Detection of Business Process Antipatterns.00.342015
Are RESTful APIs Well-Designed? Detection of their Linguistic (Anti)Patterns.160.942015
Inherent Characteristics Of Traceability Artifacts20.352015
Taupe: Visualizing and analyzing eye-tracking data130.612014
REPENT: Analyzing the Nature of Identifier Renamings220.712014
Detection of REST Patterns and Antipatterns: A Heuristics-Based Approach.110.812014
Investigating the Change-Proneness of Service Patterns and Antipatterns00.342014
Clones and Macro co-changes.10.352014
A Study on the Relation between Antipatterns and the Cost of Class Unit Testing30.372013
Trustrace: Mining Software Repositories to Improve the Accuracy of Requirement Traceability Links340.972013
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