Ningbo Univ, Fac Informat Sci & Engn, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, Peoples R China
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SARF: A Simple, Adjustable, and Robust Fusion Method00.342022
Unsupervised Decomposition and Correction Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement.00.342022
Feature Matching Based on Minimum Relative Motion Entropy for Image Registration00.342022
Integrated Fusion for Panchromatic, Multispectral, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images With Different Swath Widths00.342022
Cross-Modality Fusion and Progressive Integration Network for Saliency Prediction on Stereoscopic 3D Images00.342022
A Blind Full Resolution Assessment Method for Pansharpened Images Based on Multistream Collaborative Learning00.342022
PSTAF-GAN: Progressive Spatio-Temporal Attention Fusion Method Based on Generative Adversarial Network00.342022
Toward Top-Down Just Noticeable Difference Estimation of Natural Images00.342022
Underwater Image Enhancement Quality Evaluation: Benchmark Dataset and Objective Metric10.352022
Single Image Super-Resolution Quality Assessment: A Real-World Dataset, Subjective Studies, and an Objective Metric00.342022
StereoARS: Quality Evaluation for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting With Binocular Inconsistency Detection00.342022
M2OVQA: Multi-space signal characterization and multi-channel information aggregation for quality assessment of compressed omnidirectional videos00.342022
Combining Retargeting Quality and Depth Perception Measures for Quality Evaluation of Retargeted Stereopairs00.342022
Deep network based stereoscopic image quality assessment via binocular summing and differencing00.342022
Roundness-Preserving Warping for Aesthetic Enhancement-Based Stereoscopic Image Editing10.342021
Quality assessment for color correction-based stitched images via bi-directional matching40.392021
Subjective And Objective Quality Assessment For Stereoscopic Image Retargeting00.342021
Stitched image quality assessment based on local measurement errors and global statistical properties10.372021
Exploiting Local Degradation Characteristics and Global Statistical Properties for Blind Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped HDR Images10.362021
Blind Image Quality Measurement by Exploiting High-Order Statistics With Deep Dictionary Encoding Network20.382020
Blind quality assessment for multiply distorted stereoscopic images towards IoT-based 3D capture systems00.342020
Quality Assessment of 3D Synthesized Images via Measuring Local Feature Similarity and Global Sharpness.00.342019
Fast inter-frame prediction in multi-view video coding based on perceptual distortion threshold model.00.342019
A Study of Perceptual Quality Assessment for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting10.342019
BLIQUE-TMI: Blind Quality Evaluator for Tone-Mapped Images Based on Local and Global Feature Analyses.90.422019
Simultaneous object size and depth adjustment for stereoscopic 3D images.10.352019
Sparse Representation for No-Reference Quality Assessment of Satellite Stereo Images10.352019
Discriminative dictionary learning for retinal vessel segmentation using fusion of multiple features00.342019
Modeling Stochastic Overload Delay in a Reliability-Based Transit Assignment Model.00.342019
Unified No-Reference Quality Assessment of Singly and Multiply Distorted Stereoscopic Images.80.492019
Learning a referenceless stereopair quality engine with deep nonnegativity constrained sparse autoencoder.40.422018
Automated Quality Assessment of Fundus Images via Analysis of Illumination, Naturalness and Structure.30.412018
Local and global sparse representation for no-reference quality assessment of stereoscopic images.20.362018
No reference stereo video quality assessment based on motion feature in tensor decomposition domain.60.452018
Multistage Pooling for Blind Quality Prediction of Asymmetric Multiply-Distorted Stereoscopic Images.00.342018
Perceptual stereoscopic image quality assessment method with tensor decomposition and manifold learning.10.352018
No-Reference View Synthesis Quality Prediction for 3-D Videos Based on Color-Depth Interactions.10.342018
FishTEDB: a collective database of transposable elements identified in the complete genomes of fish.00.342018
Learning Sparse Representation for Objective Image Retargeting Quality Assessment.40.372018
Toward Domain Transfer for No-Reference Quality Prediction of Asymmetrically Distorted Stereoscopic Images.30.362018
3D visual discomfort predictor based on subjective perceived-constraint sparse representation in 3D display system.00.342018
Toward a Blind Quality Predictor for Screen Content Images.80.402018
Optimizing Multistage Discriminative Dictionaries for Blind Image Quality Assessment.140.442018
QoE-guided warping for stereoscopic image retargeting.60.402017
Leveraging visual attention and neural activity for stereoscopic 3D visual comfort assessment.10.352017
A New Tone-Mapped Image Quality Assessment Approach For High Dynamic Range Imaging System00.342017
Msfe: Blind Image Quality Assessment Based On Multi-Stage Feature Encoding00.342017
Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Stereoscopic Images in the Primary Visual Cortex.20.352017
Video quality assessment method motivated by human visual perception.00.342016
On Predicting Visual Comfort of Stereoscopic Images: A Learning to Rank Based Approach.20.392016
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