Tech Univ Darmstadt, Secure Mobile Networking Lab SEEMOO, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
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Ghost Peak: Practical Distance Reduction Attacks Against HRP UWB Ranging00.342022
Evil Never Sleeps: When Wireless Malware Stays On after Turning Off iPhones00.342022
Next2You: Robust Copresence Detection Based on Channel State Information00.342022
Best Practices for Notification Studies for Security and Privacy Issues on the Internet00.342021
Leveraging Cross-Technology Broadcast Communication to build Gateway-Free Smart Homes00.342021
BEAMWAVE: Cross-layer Beamforming and Scheduling for Superimposed Transmissions in Industrial IoT mmWave Networks00.342021
Who Can Find My Devices? Security and Privacy of Apple's Crowd-Sourced Bluetooth Location Tracking System00.342021
AirCollect: efficiently recovering hashed phone numbers leaked via Apple AirDrop00.342021
OpenHaystack: a framework for tracking personal bluetooth devices via Apple's massive find my network10.402021
Effective Notification Campaigns on the Web: A Matter of Trust, Framing, and Support00.342021
Improving the Reliability of Bluetooth Low Energy Connections.00.342020
Concurrent Wireless Cut-Through Forwarding: Ultra-Low Latency Multi-Hop Communication for the Internet of Things00.342020
Neat-Tcp: Generation Of Tcp Congestion Control Through Neuroevolution Of Augmenting Topologies00.342020
Hardware-Accelerated Real-Time Stream Data Processing on Android with GNU Radio00.342020
Demo - Analyzing Bluetooth Low Energy Connections on Off-the-Shelf Devices.00.342020
HydraWave: Multi-group Multicast Hybrid Precoding and Low-Latency Scheduling for Ubiquitous Industry 4.0 mmWave Communications00.342020
Towards Secure Urban Infrastructures - Cyber Security Challenges for Information and Communication Technology in Smart Cities.00.342020
Optimal and Approximation Algorithms for Joint Routing and Scheduling in Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks10.382020
Stay Connected, Leave no Trace: Enhancing Security and Privacy in WiFi via Obfuscating Radiometric Fingerprints10.352020
Inside job: diagnosing bluetooth lower layers using off-the-shelf devices20.422019
Free Your CSI: A Channel State Information Extraction Platform For Modern Wi-Fi Chipsets100.542019
Practical VLC to WiFi Handover Mechanisms.00.342019
The King is Dead Long Live the King! Towards Systematic Performance Evaluation of Heterogeneous Bluetooth Mesh Networks in Real World Environments00.342019
JamLab-NG - Benchmarking Low-Power Wireless Protocols under Controllable and Repeatable Wi-Fi Interference.00.342019
Transitions: A Protocol-Independent View of the Future Internet30.432019
Hybrid Precoding for Multi-Group Multicasting in mmWave Systems00.342019
CBMoS: Combinatorial Bandit Learning for Mode Selection and Resource Allocation in D2D Systems20.362019
InternalBlue - Bluetooth Binary Patching and Experimentation Framework20.402019
Perils of Zero-Interaction Security in the Internet of Things.10.352019
A Billion Open Interfaces For Eve And Mallory: Mitm, Dos, And Tracking Attacks On Ios And Macos Through Apple Wireless Direct Link00.342019
Fast and Infuriating: Performance and Pitfalls of 60 GHz WLANs Based on Consumer-Grade Hardware60.482018
Shadow Wi-Fi: Teaching Smartphones to Transmit Raw Signals and to Extract Channel State Information to Implement Practical Covert Channels over Wi-Fi.90.562018
Conducting a Large-scale Field Test of a Smartphone-based Communication Network for Emergency Response.40.472018
The Nexmon firmware analysis and modification framework: Empowering researchers to enhance Wi-Fi devices.10.452018
FML: Fast Machine Learning for 5G mmWave Vehicular Communications.10.372018
Demo: Channel Estimation and Custom Beamforming on the 60 GHz TP-Link Talon AD7200 Router.00.342018
Optimal Joint Routing and Scheduling in Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks.30.382018
Beam-Stealing: Intercepting the Sector Sweep to Launch Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on Wireless IEEE 802.11ad Networks.60.522018
Adaptive Codebook Optimization for Beam Training on Off-the-Shelf IEEE 802.11ad Devices.00.342018
On the Difficulties of Incentivizing Online Privacy through Transparency: A Qualitative Survey of the German Health Insurance Market.00.342018
Demo: Linux Goes Apple Picking: Cross-Platform Ad hoc Communication with Apple Wireless Direct Link.00.342018
An Online Context-Aware Machine Learning Algorithm for 5G mmWave Vehicular Communications.80.492018
ACE of Spades in the IoT Security Game: A Flexible IPsec Security Profile for Access Control00.342018
A systematic approach to constructing families of incremental topology control algorithms using graph transformation.20.362018
Massive reactive smartphone-based jamming using arbitrary waveforms and adaptive power control.120.772017
A practical and secure social media facility for internet-deprived populations.10.372017
Compressive Millimeter-Wave Sector Selection in Off-the-Shelf IEEE 802.1 lad Devices.100.802017
Unsupervised Traffic Flow Classification Using a Neural Autoencoder10.482017
Nexmon: Build Your Own Wi-Fi Testbeds With Low-Level MAC and PHY-Access Using Firmware Patches on Off-the-Shelf Mobile Devices.60.562017
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