Industrial Systems Optimization Laboratory, Charles Delaunay Institute and UMR CNRS STMR 6279, University of Technology of Troyes, 12 rue Marie Curie, BP 2060, Troyes 10010, France
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Joint Ordering and Markdown Policy for Short Lifetime Products With Competitive Price- and Freshness-Based Demand00.342021
Hybrid Heuristic For The Location-Inventory-Routing Problem In Closed-Loop Supply Chain10.352021
IoT-based location and quality decision-making in emerging shared parking facilities with competition.00.342020
A multi-objective distance friction minimization model for performance assessment through data envelopment analysis00.342019
An effective hybrid approach to the two-stage capacitated facility location problem.10.362019
Supplier selection and operation planning in biomass supply chains with supply uncertainty.10.372018
A Robust Reorder-Time/Order-Quantity Policy Under Invisible Stock Loss.10.352017
Undominated nonnegative excesses and core extensions of transferable utility games.10.352017
Adaptive large neighborhood search for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows, profits, and reserved requests.110.482016
Optimization of (R, Q) policies for serial inventory systems using the guaranteed service approach50.482015
Robust optimization for the cyclic hoist scheduling problem.130.612015
Measuring slacks-based efficiency for commercial banks in China by using a two-stage DEA model with undesirable output140.632015
Price-setting based combinatorial auction approach for carrier collaboration with pickup and delivery requests.70.482014
Estimation-based variable neighborhood search approach for a probabilistic routing problem with deadlines in wireless sensor and actor networks00.342013
A cut-and-solve based algorithm for the single-source capacitated facility location problem.80.532012
Mathematical model and solution approach for carriers' collaborative transportation planning in less than truckload transportation.40.382012
Competitive facility location and design with reactions of competitors already in the market.120.662012
A variable neighborhood search approach for multiple traveling salesman problem with deadlines30.402012
Profit allocation mechanisms for carrier collaboration in pickup and delivery service190.812012
Large scale stochastic inventory routing problems with split delivery and service level constraints.120.572012
A Polynomial Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Crude Oil Transportation Planning.190.822012
Price-Setting Based Combinatorial Auction Approach For Carriers' Collaboration In Less Than Truckload Transportation00.342011
Coordination of split deliveries in one-warehouse multi-retailer distribution systems50.412011
A solution approach to the inventory routing problem in a three-level distribution system120.642011
A multi-agent and auction-based framework and approach for carrier collaboration220.842011
A Lagrangian relaxation approach for a multi-mode inventory routing problem with transshipment in crude oil transportation160.652011
Optimal ( R, nQ ) Policies for Serial Inventory Systems with Guaranteed Service.10.362011
A Lagrangian relaxation approach for a large scale new variant of capacitated clustering problem20.412011
Performance evaluation of distribution strategies for the inventory routing problem110.602010
Modelling, analysis and optimisation of supply chains by using Petri net models: the state-of-the-art50.562010
A Stackelberg game and its improvement in a VMI system with a manufacturing vendor241.072009
A new model and hybrid approach for large scale inventory routing problems351.112008
Simulation based optimization of a train maintenance facility60.572008
The study of a dynamic dial-a-ride problem under time-dependent and stochastic environments261.322008
An O(T3) Polynomial algorithm for crude oil transportation.00.342008
Ant colony optimization for solving an industrial layout problem241.312007
A note on coordination of production and distribution planning20.412007
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Inventory Systems Using Batch Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets70.712007
Transformation Analysis Methods For The Bdspn Model00.342007
Multi-objective Supply Chain Optimization: An Industrial Case Study130.812007
A fast heuristic for solving a large-scale static dial-a-ride problem under complex constraints271.622006
Modeling and performance evaluation of supply chains using batch deterministic and stochastic Petri nets191.172005
Tool Path Planning for Compound Surfaces in Spray Forming Processes60.512005
Batch deterministic and stochastic Petri nets modeling, analysis and its application to supply chain10.372004
An alternative framework to Lagrangian relaxation approach for job shop scheduling221.172003
Price-based approach for activity coordination in a supply network212.322003
Supply Chain Planning With Order/Setup Costs And Capacity Constraints - A New Lagrangian Relaxation Approach20.392003
Batch deterministic and stochastic Petri nets. A tool for modeling and performance evaluation of supply chain70.902002
A time window based approach for job shop scheduling30.592001
Analysis of Hybrid Systems Based on Hybrid Net Condition/Event System Model30.432001
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