Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
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Maximizing Error Injection Realism for Chaos Engineering With System Calls00.342022
Styler: learning formatting conventions to repair Checkstyle violations00.342022
Neural Program Repair with Execution-based Backpropagation00.342022
Estimating the potential of program repair search spaces with commit analysis00.342022
Harvesting Production GraphQL Queries to Detect Schema Faults00.342022
A comprehensive study of code-removal patches in automated program repair00.342022
The Multibillion Dollar Software Supply Chain of Ethereum00.342022
Long Live Software Easter Eggs!: They are as old as software.00.342022
Automated Classification of Overfitting Patches With Statically Extracted Code Features10.352022
Production Monitoring to Improve Test Suites10.352022
Observability and chaos engineering on system calls for containerized applications in Docker20.392021
Automated Patch Assessment For Program Repair At Scale40.392021
Characterizing the Usage, Evolution and Impact of Java Annotations in Practice10.362021
A Comprehensive Study Of Bloated Dependencies In The Maven Ecosystem50.442021
Java Decompiler Diversity and its Application to Meta-decompilation00.342020
D&C: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to IR-based Bug Localization.10.342019
iFixR - bug report driven program repair.120.462019
Interviewing the Most Successful Bot on GitHub: Dr Travis CI on 35+ Million of its Jobs.10.352019
The open science initiative of the Empirical Software Engineering journal00.342019
A Journey Among Java Neutral Program Variants.20.362019
A Literature Study of Embeddings on Source Code.00.342019
Styler: Learning Formatting Conventions to Repair Checkstyle Errors.00.342019
Characterizing the Usage and Impact of Java Annotations Over 1000+ Projects.00.342018
Human-competitive Patches in Automatic Program Repair with Repairnator.10.352018
Coming: a Tool for Mining Change Pattern Instances from Git Commits.20.362018
The Remarkable Role of Similarity in Redundancy-based Program Repair.00.342018
Dynamic patch generation for null pointer exceptions using metaprogramming150.542018
Astor: Exploring the Design Space of Generate-and-Validate Program Repair beyond GenProg.30.362018
App Store 2.0: From Crowdsourced Information to Actionable Feedback in Mobile Ecosystems.40.432018
Automatic Software Repair: a Bibliography461.052018
Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation.10.352018
A Comprehensive Study of Automatic Program Repair on the QuixBugs Benchmark.30.362018
Impact of tool support in patch construction.90.422018
The CodRep Machine Learning on Source Code Competition.10.352018
A large-scale study of call graph-based impact prediction using mutation testing.30.512018
Ultra-Large Repair Search Space with Automatically Mined Templates: The Cardumen Mode of Astor.90.402018
Automatic repair of real bugs in java: a large-scale experiment on the defects4j dataset.641.202018
IntRepair: Informed Fixing of Integer Overflows.00.342018
A Generative Model for Sparse, Evolving Digraphs.00.342017
The Emerging Field of Test Amplification: A Survey.00.342017
Test Case Generation for Program Repair: A Study of Feasibility and Effectiveness.90.442017
Open-ended Exploration of the Program Repair Search Space with Mined Templates: the Next 8935 Patches for Defects4J.00.342017
DynaMoth: dynamic code synthesis for automatic program repair.120.482016
Production-Driven Patch Generation and Validation.00.342016
A learning algorithm for change impact prediction.10.352016
Casper: Automatic tracking of null dereferences to inception with causality traces.10.372016
B-Refactoring: Automatic test code refactoring to improve dynamic analysis.00.342016
SPOON: A library for implementing analyses and transformations of Java source code391.392016
Mutation-Based Graph Inference for Fault Localization00.342016
ASTOR: a program repair library for Java (demo).471.152016
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