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Deploying Acoustic Detection Algorithms on Low-Cost, Open-Source Acoustic Sensors for Environmental Monitoring.00.342019
Multi-agent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Termination.10.352019
A Comfort-Based Approach to Smart Heating and Air Conditioning.00.342018
Advanced Economic Control of Electricity-Based Space Heating Systems in Domestic Coalitions with Shared Intermittent Energy Resources.10.352017
Bayesian Aggregation of Categorical Distributions with Applications in Crowdsourcing.10.382017
Online Planning for Collaborative Search and Rescue by Heterogeneous Robot Teams.20.362016
On Human-Agent Collectives.20.382015
Observation Modelling for Vision-Based Target Search by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles00.342015
Consumer Targeting in Residential Demand Response Programmes30.432015
Bayesian modelling of community-based multidimensional trust in participatory sensing under data sparsity40.402015
Detecting anomalies in activities of daily living of elderly residents via energy disaggregation and Cox processes50.452015
A noise scaled semi parametric gaussian process model for real time water network leak detection in the presence of heteroscedasticity00.342015
Dataport and NILMTK: A building data set designed for non-intrusive load monitoring80.512015
Task assignment with controlled and autonomous agents.00.342014
Efficient Buyer Groups With Prediction-of-Use Electricity Tariffs20.392014
A comparison of non-intrusive load monitoring methods for commercial and residential buildings.80.712014
Agent-based decentralised coordination for sensor networks using the max-sum algorithm210.782014
NILMTK v0.2: a non-intrusive load monitoring toolkit for large scale data sets: demo abstract90.712014
Learning in Unknown Reward Games: Application to Sensor Networks.00.342014
Efficient state-space inference of periodic latent force models20.452014
Anytime induction of low-cost, low-error classifiers: a sampling-based approach50.422014
Cooperative Monitoring to Diagnose Multiagent Plans.70.422014
Efficient crowdsourcing of unknown experts using bounded multi-armed bandits.120.552014
Human-agent collectives491.782014
Interdependent multi-issue negotiation for energy exchange in remote communities10.432013
Crowdsourcing Spatial Phenomena Using Trust-Based Heteroskedastic Gaussian Processes.110.662013
Trust-based fusion of untrustworthy information in crowdsourcing applications191.032013
Convergent Learning Algorithms for Unknown Reward Games.150.782013
Towards a Smart Home Framework00.342013
Modelling heterogeneous location habits in human populations for location prediction under data sparsity130.612013
Bounding the Estimation Error of Sampling-based Shapley Value Approximation With/Without Stratifying.80.562013
An online mechanism for multi-unit demand and its application to plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging210.982013
Energy and Accuracy Trade-Offs in Accelerometry-Based Activity Recognition.60.402013
Natural language inference for arabic using extended tree edit distance with subtrees30.432013
Breaking the habit: Measuring and predicting departures from routine in individual human mobility240.842013
A Hidden Markov Model-Based Acoustic Cicada Detector for Crowdsourced Smartphone Biodiversity Monitoring.100.682013
Knapsack based Optimal Policies for Budget-Limited Multi-Armed Bandits522.362012
An agent-based social forces model for driver evacuation behaviours.30.392012
Delivering the Smart Grid: Challenges for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Research.221.492012
Putting the 'smarts' into the smart grid: a grand challenge for artificial intelligence1538.392012
A scalable low-cost solution to provide personalized home heating advice to households121.062012
Real-time information processing of environmental sensor network data using bayesian gaussian processes291.102012
A scoring rule-based mechanism for aggregate demand prediction in the smart grid201.292012
An efficient and versatile approach to trust and reputation using hierarchical Bayesian modelling541.622012
Cooperative virtual power plant formation using scoring rules191.412012
Deploying the max-sum algorithm for decentralised coordination and task allocation of unmanned aerial vehicles for live aerial imagery collection.190.932012
A Methodology for Deploying the Max-Sum Algorithm and a Case Study on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.70.502012
Cooperative virtual power plant formation using scoring rules00.342012
Decentralised stable coalition formation among energy consumers in the smart grid (demonstration)00.342012
An intelligent agent for home heating management (demonstration)10.352012
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