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The Scientometric Measurement of Interdisciplinarity and Diversity in the Research Portfolios of Chinese Universities00.342021
Historical roots of Judit Bar-Ilan's research: a cited-references analysis using CRExplorer.00.342020
The Evolutionary Dynamics Of Expectations: Interactions Among Codes In Inter-Human Communications00.342020
The integrated impact indicator revisited (I3*): a non-parametric alternative to the journal impact factor.10.352019
The Integrated Impact Indicator (I3) and the Journal Impact Factor - A Non‑Parametric Alternative.00.342019
Regions, Innovation Systems, and the North-South Divide in Italy.00.342018
Toward a calculus of redundancy: Signification, codification, and anticipation in cultural evolution.00.342018
Interdisciplinarity as Diversity in Citation Patterns among Journals: Rao-Stirling Diversity, Relative Variety, and the Gini coefficient.30.382018
Discontinuities in Citation Relations among Journals: Self-organized Criticality as a Model of Scientific Revolutions and Change.00.342018
Patent Citation Spectroscopy (PCS): Algorithmic retrieval of landmark patents.10.392017
Visualization Of Disciplinary Profiles: Enhanced Science Overlay Maps30.412017
"Open Innovation" and "Triple Helix" Models of Innovation: Can Synergy in Innovation Systems Be Measured?20.402016
Introducing CitedReferencesExplorer (CRExplorer): A program for reference publication year spectroscopy with cited references standardization10.352016
The Normalization of Co-authorship Networks in the Bibliometric Evaluation: The Government Stimulation Programs of China and Korea.100.652016
Professional and citizen bibliometrics: complementarities and ambivalences in the development and use of indicators - a state-of-the-art report.50.522016
Citation algorithms for identifying research milestones driving biomedical innovation.40.462016
New features of CitedReferencesExplorer (CRExplorer).20.382016
Measuring the match between evaluators and evaluees: cognitive distances between panel members and research groups at the journal level.20.392016
Cited References and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) as Two Different Knowledge Representations: Clustering and Mappings at the Paper Level.20.452016
Professional and Citizen Bibliometrics: Complementarities and ambivalences in the development and use of indicators.200.992016
RPYS i/o: software demonstration of a web-based tool for the historiography and visualization of citation classics, sleeping beauties and research fronts.80.572016
Matching Medline/PubMed data with Web of Science: A routine in R language10.362015
Patents as instruments for exploring innovation dynamics: geographic and technological perspectives on \"photovoltaic cells\"100.672015
The Globalization of Academic Entrepreneurship? The Recent Growth (2009-2014) in University Patenting Decomposed00.342015
Replicability and the public/private divide20.372015
The Dynamics of Triads in Aggregated Journal-Journal Citation Relations: Specialty Developments at the Above-Journal Level.40.432015
Knowledge-generating Efficiency in Innovation Systems: The relation between structural and temporal effects.10.482015
Bibliometrics/Citation networks.40.422015
Co-word Maps and Topic Modeling: A Comparison from a User's Perspective00.342015
Can intellectual processes in the sciences also be simulated? The anticipation and visualization of possible future states.00.342015
In search of a network theory of innovations: Relations, positions, and perspectives10.382014
On the meaningful and non-meaningful use of reference sets in bibliometrics40.482014
A simulation model of the Triple Helix of university–industry–government relations and the decomposition of the redundancy40.442014
The European Union, China, and the United States in the top-1% and top-10% layers of most-frequently cited publications: Competition and collaborations.251.182014
A routine for measuring synergy in university–industry–government relations: mutual information as a Triple-Helix and Quadruple-Helix indicator70.492014
Measuring the knowledge-based economy of China in terms of synergy among technological, organizational, and geographic attributes of firms60.542014
Geographic and Technological Perspectives on "Photovoltaic Cells: " Patents as Instruments for Exploring Innovation Dynamics.00.342014
Referenced Publication Years Spectroscopy applied to iMetrics: Scientometrics, Journal of Informetrics, and a relevant subset of JASIST.211.082014
The Swedish System of Innovation: Regional Synergies in a Knowledge-Based Economy140.932013
Journal maps, interactive overlays, and the measurement of interdisciplinarity on the basis of Scopus data 1996-201290.482013
USPTO Patent Maps in Central Europe: Can "Cathedrals" be Built on the Ruins of Socialism?00.342013
Interactive Overlays of Journals and the Measurement of Interdisciplinarity on the basis of Aggregated Journal-Journal Citations411.212013
Technology Transfer and the End of the Bayh-Dole Effect: Patents as an Analytical Lens on University-Industry-Government Relations00.342013
Global maps of science based on the new Web-of-Science categories.531.852013
An evaluation of impacts in "Nanoscience & nanotechnology": steps towards standards for citation analysis70.482013
Elsevier's Scopus has a revised SNIP indicator for journal ranking.00.342013
Statistical tests and research assessments: A comment on Schneider (2012).20.562013
The use of percentiles and percentile rank classes in the analysis of bibliometric data: Opportunities and limits.672.182013
How have the Eastern European countries of the former Warsaw Pact developed since 1990? A bibliometric study.171.092013
A rejoinder on energy versus impact indicators.20.402012
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