Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, 373-1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea
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Development and Validation of a Multimodal-Based Prognosis and Intervention Prediction Model for COVID-19 Patients in a Multicenter Cohort00.342022
Color radiography in lung nodule detection and characterization: comparison with conventional gray scale radiography.00.342016
Accurate Localization in Urban Environments Using Fault Detection of GPS and Multi-sensor Fusion00.342015
Control System For Auto Moving Vehicle Using For Artificial Turf Ground Performance Test00.342015
Fast Online Motion Segmentation Through Multi-Temporal Interval Motion Analysis00.342015
Position estimation of landmark using 3D point cloud and trilateration method00.342014
2D Multi-class Occupancy Grid Map for a Mobile Security Robot in Urban Environments.00.342013
Urban structure classification using the 3D normal distribution transform for practical robot applications.60.512013
Building wall extraction method using land registration map image00.342013
LMA based emotional motion representation using RGB-D camera70.542013
Satellite map based quantitative analysis for 3D world modeling of urban environment00.342013
Probabilistic voxel mapping using an adaptive confidence measure of stereo matching20.442013
Interactive facial robot system on a smart device Enhanced touch screen input recognition and robot's reactive facial expression30.702013
Automated robot speech gesture generation system based on dialog sentence punctuation mark extraction10.372012
Moving Region Segmentation Using Sparse Motion Cue from a Moving Camera.20.392012
Online motion segmentation using spatially-constrained J-linkage in dynamic scene10.372012
Global Pose Estimation with Adaptive GPS/IMU Fusion.00.342012
Robust Online Digital Image Stabilization Based on Point-Feature Trajectory Without Accumulative Global Motion Estimation.120.572012
Probabilistic voxel mapping using stereo matching confidence00.342011
Stereo-vision based free space and obstacle detection with structural and traversability analysis using probabilistic volume polar grid map40.482011
How to completely use the PAD space for socially interactive robots.10.382011
Robot's reactive eye movement and facial expression for lifelikeness by using preattentive process.00.342011
Hole filled 3D map using mobile robots in the urban environment.00.342011
Fast SLAM using polar scan matching and particle weight based occupancy grid map for mobile robot.10.362011
3D video stabilization for humanoid eyes using vision and inertial sensors inspired by human VOR10.372010
Recursive estimation of motion and a scene model with a two-camera system of divergent view70.502010
Robust unified stereo-based 3D head tracking and its application to face recognition00.342010
Learning discriminative MspLBP features based on Ada-LDA for multi-class pattern classification10.392010
3D environment reconstruction using modified color ICP algorithm by fusion of a camera and a 3D laser range finder90.692009
Learning discriminative multi-scale and multi-position LBP features for face detection based on Ada-LDA30.532009
Cognitive face analysis system for future interactive TV140.702009
Synchronized multimodal expression generation using editing toolkit for a human-friendly robot00.342009
Lifelike facial expression of mascot-type robot based on emotional boundaries50.622009
Unified Stereo-Based 3D Head Tracking Using Online Illumination Modeling00.342009
Robust real-time 3D head tracking based on online illumination modeling and its application to face recognition00.342009
Pose-robust face recognition based on texture mapping10.362008
Extension of cascaded simple feature based face detection to facial expression recognition100.592008
Emotional boundaries for choosing modalities according to the intensity of emotion in a linear affect-expression space50.722008
3D head tracking and pose-robust 2D texture map-based face recognition using a simple ellipsoid model.191.002008
A Linear Dynamic Affect-Expression Model: Facial Expressions According to Perceived Emotions in Mascot-Type Facial Robots80.982007
Emotion Interaction System for a Service Robot80.652007
A Linear Affect–Expression Space Model and Control Points for Mascot-Type Facial Robots231.952007
Development of a Facial Expression Imitation System40.632006
An Affect-Expression Space Model Of The Face In A Mascot-Type Robot20.402006
Sequential Motion and Scene Reconstruction from Image Sequences Captured by a Multi-camera System00.342006
Absolute motion and structure from stereo image sequences without stereo correspondence and analysis of degenerate cases90.552006
Absolute Stereo Sfm Without Stereo Correspondence For Vision Based Slam10.352005
Compensator design for a dual-stage actuator in the track-following servo system of optical disk drives30.592005
A novel non-intrusive eye gaze estimation using cross-ratio under large head motion904.352005
Biologically inspired models and hardware for emotive facial expressions41.032005
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