George Washington Univ, Sch Engn & Appl Sci, Washington, DC 20052 USA
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Predicting long-time contributors for GitHub projects using machine learning20.372021
A quantitative comparison of the effects of modeling approaches on system verification using a controlled challenge problem00.342021
Analysis Of Process Criticality Accident Risk Using A Metamodel-Driven Bayesian Network00.342021
The Systems Engineering DevOps Lemniscate and Model-Based System Operations10.352021
Network structure and requirements crowdsourcing for OSS projects00.342021
M-AdaBoost-A based ensemble system for network intrusion detection30.382020
A stakeholder framework for evaluating the -ilities of autonomous behaviors in complex adaptive systems.00.342020
Bayesian-model averaging using MCMCBayes for web-browser vulnerability discovery.00.342019
An architecture, system engineering, and acquisition approach for space system software resiliency.20.382018
Multivariate models using MCMCBayes for web-browser vulnerability discovery.20.362018
A Framework for Multiobjective Decision Management with Diverse Stakeholders00.342017
Many-objective stochastic path finding using reinforcement learning.40.412017
A Framework for Predicting Future System Performance in Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles.10.352017
An Architecture for Agile Systems Engineering of Secure Commercial Off-the-Shelf Mobile Communications.10.362017
Engineered Resilience for Complex Systems as a Predictor for Cost Overruns.10.362016
Optimizing Attack Surface and Configuration Diversity Using Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning10.372015
Framework Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Utility Effective Management and Operations10.352015
Reducing Human/Pilot Errors in Aviation Using Augmented Cognition and Automation Systems in Aircraft Cockpit10.372015
An integrated cost and performance model to inform capability selection during early-phase systems engineering: Case analysis and multi-objective optimization.00.342015
Identifying requirement attributes for materiel and non-materiel solution sets utilizing discrete choice models.00.342015
Precise At-sea Ship System for Indoor Outdoor Navigation (PASSION) Augmentation Using Bluetooth Low Energy.10.362014
A Model-based Framework for Predicting Performance in Self-adaptive Systems.10.352014
The Role Of System-Thinking Development And Experiential Learning On Enterprise Transformation00.342014
The Applicability of Statistical Process Control to Systems Involving People Processes and Business Rhythms20.642014
The Development of Progress Plans Using a Performance-Based Expert Judgment Model to Assess Technical Performance and Risk20.392014
Quality Control-An Approach Applying Multivariate Control Charts during the Operation of Systems Involving Human Processes00.342014
An automated system for rapid and secure device sanitization.00.342014
Integrating Acquisition Strategy and PMO Capability: A Catalyst for Defense Systems Engineering Transformation.00.342014
Leveraging Variability Modeling Techniques for Architecture Trade Studies and Analysis60.502014
The effect of the number of seed variables on the performance of Cooke′s classical model.10.362014
Creating a Proactive Obsolescence Management System Framework through the Systems Engineering Continuum20.402014
Using multi criteria decision making in analysis of alternatives for selection of enabling technology.100.662013
Using model-based systems engineering as a framework for improving test and evaluation activities.60.732013
Positive Deviance Approach For Identifying Next-Generation System Engineering Best Practices00.342013
Knowledge based data center capacity reduction using sensitivity analysis on causal Bayesian belief network30.502013
Architecting technology transitions: A sustainability-oriented sociotechnical approach.00.342013
Improving Technology Acceptance Modelling For Developing Communities Using A Systems Engineering Approach00.342013
A framework for capturing the hidden stakeholder system.50.442013
Mathematical properties of System Readiness Levels.30.862013
High consequence systems phenomenological characterization: A tutorial.00.342013
Tacit knowledge mobilization effect due to information structure00.342013
A Systems Thinking Approach to Cost Growth in DoD Weapon Systems.20.392012
Problem management process, filling the gap in the systems engineering processes between the risk and opportunity processes10.402012
A system dynamics approach to demand and allocation of wireless spectrum for mobile communication.10.382012
Quantifying information security risks using expert judgment elicitation251.212012
Preliminary Systems Engineering Risk Assessment to Attain National Renewable Energy Generation Targets.10.372012
Performance Analysis of IPv6 Transition Mechanisms over MPLS.20.422012
Using a TRIZ framework for systems engineering trade studies10.392012
A Systematic Approach To Identifying Engineering Generational Knowledge Transfer Boundaries00.342012
A network intrusion detection system based on a Hidden Naïve Bayes multiclass classifier501.682012
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