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The Biclique Partitioning Polytope00.342021
Vector Domination in split-indifference graphs00.342020
-Hull Number of Graphs with Diameter Two.00.342019
Genome Rearrangements on Multigenomic Models: Applications of Graph Convexity Problems.00.342019
Width Parameterizations for Knot-Free Vertex Deletion on Digraphs.00.342019
Deadlock resolution in wait-for graphs by vertex/arc deletion.10.352019
On the hardness of finding the geodetic number of a subcubic graph.00.342018
Cograph generation with linear delay.00.342018
On the complete set packing and set partitioning polytopes: Properties and rank 1 facets.00.342018
Decycling a graph by the removal of a matching: new algorithmic and structural aspects in some classes of graphs.00.342018
A computational study of f-reversible processes on graphs.00.342018
A matheuristic for the cell formation problem.20.362018
Closure of genomic sets: applications of graph convexity to genome rearrangement problems.00.342018
Algorithms, kernels and lower bounds for the Flood-It game parameterized by the vertex cover number.00.342018
And/or-convexity: a graph convexity based on processes and deadlock models.00.342018
Decycling a Graph by the Removal of a Matching: Characterizations for Special Classes.00.342017
Tractability, hardness, and kernelization lower bound for and/or graph solution.00.342017
Corrigendum to "Complexity analysis of P3-convexity problems on bounded-degree and planar graphs" [Theoret. Comput. Sci. 607 Part 1 (2015) 83-95].00.342017
Deletion Graph Problems Based on Deadlock Resolution.10.362017
New Algorithms For The Minimum Coloring Cut Problem40.442017
New heuristics for the Bicluster Editing Problem.00.342017
On the geodetic iteration number of distance-hereditary graphs00.342016
Efficient algorithms for cluster editing.90.532016
Deadlock models in distributed computation: foundations, design, and computational complexity.10.352016
A Parallel Hybrid Metaheuristic For Bicluster Editing20.362016
Adaptive event sensing in networks of autonomous mobile agents00.342015
Robust recoverable perfect matchings20.412015
Complexity of Geodetic Number Problem in Graphs with Maximum Degree 4.00.342015
Complexity analysis of P-convexity problems on bounded-degree and planar graphs.10.362015
A hybrid iterated local search and variable neighborhood descent heuristic applied to the cell formation problem40.422015
Tractability and hardness of flood-filling games on trees20.392015
Cycles in complementary prisms10.412015
The Flood-It game parameterized by the vertex cover number00.342015
On Helly Hypergraphs with Variable Intersection Sizes.10.402014
An algorithmic analysis of Flood-it and Free-Flood-it on graph powers.40.422014
Algorithmic aspects of Steiner convexity and enumeration of Steiner trees.10.352014
On P 3-Convexity of Graphs with Bounded Degree.00.342014
Clique cycle-transversals in distance-hereditary graphs00.342013
Cycle transversals in perfect graphs and cographs60.582013
Parameterized and/or graph solution.00.342013
On (k, ℓ)-Graph Sandwich Problems.10.352013
The predecessor-existence problem for k-reversible processes.00.342013
On specifying boundary conditions for the graph sandwich problem.00.342013
Clique cycle transversals in graphs with few P4's.00.342013
Revisiting the Complexity of And/Or Graph Solution40.412013
On solving manufacturing cell formation via Bicluster Editing.50.482013
Matching Preclusion Number in Cartesian Product of Graphs and its Application to Interconnection Networks.20.382013
An energy function and its application to the periodic behavior of k-reversible processes.10.482013
Corrigendum to "Cycle transversals in perfect graphs and cographs" [Theoret. Comput. Sci. 469(2013) 15-23].00.342013
Parameterized Complexity of Flood-Filling Games on Trees.50.462013
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