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Compositional modeling of railway Virtual Coupling with Stochastic Activity Networks10.352021
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks in Intelligent Transportation - Review and Opportunities for Smart-Railways.00.342020
ERTMS/ETCS Virtual Coupling: Proof of Concept and Numerical Analysis20.362020
An OSLC-based environment for system-level functional testing of ERTMS/ETCS controllers.00.342020
A model-driven approach for vulnerability evaluation of modern physical protection systems.00.342019
Towards a model-driven engineering approach for the assessment of non-functional properties using multi-formalism00.342019
From Dynamic State Machines to Promela.00.342019
A Proposal of an Example and Experiments Repository to Foster Industrial Adoption of Formal Methods.00.342018
A Framework to Evaluate 5G Networks for Smart and Fail-Safe Communications in ERTMS/ETCS.00.342017
A Model Driven Approach For Assessing Survivability Requirements Of Critical Infrastructures00.342017
Dynamic state machines for modelling railway control systems.60.432017
On synergies of cyber and physical security modelling in vulnerability assessment of railway systems70.562015
Modeling Railway Control Systems in Promela.70.442015
Towards Model-Driven V&V assessment of railway control systems90.572014
An Interoperable Testing Environment For Ertms/Etcs Control Systems10.392014
Dynamic State Machines for Formalizing Railway Control System Specifications80.582014
Improving code coverage in android apps testing by exploiting patterns and automatic test case generation40.412014
A Petri Net Pattern-Oriented Approach for the Design of Physical Protection Systems40.422014
Model-Driven Estimation of Distributed Vulnerability in Complex Railway Networks30.402013
Trustworthiness Evaluation of Multi-sensor Situation Recognition in Transit Surveillance Scenarios.40.432013
Vulnerability modeling and analysis for critical infrastructure protection applications.80.522013
An integrated lifetime and network quality model of large WSNs20.362013
Enabling the usage of UML in the verification of railway systems: The DAM-rail approach.100.562013
SAFECOMP'11 post-conference special issue.00.342013
A SAN-Based Modeling Approach to Performance Evaluation of an IMS-Compliant Conferencing Framework.20.382012
Model-Driven v&v processes for computer based control systems: a unifying perspective80.602012
Augmenting surveillance system capabilities by exploiting event correlation and distributed attack detection70.582011
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security - 30th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2011, Naples, Italy, September 19-22, 2011. Proceedings343.052011
Model-driven availability evaluation of railway control systems140.712011
Multiformalism techniques for critical infrastructure modelling20.432010
Multiformalism and transformation inheritance for dependability analysis of critical systems50.492010
A new modeling approach to the safety evaluation of N-modular redundant computer systems in presence of imperfect maintenance00.342009
New Paradigms And Tools For High-Assurance Systems Modelling00.342008
The REM Framework for Security Evaluation10.382008
A Study on Multiformalism Modeling of Critical Infrastructures20.362008
Turning Web Applications into Web Services by Wrapping Techniques40.682007
A policy-based methodology for security evaluation: A Security Metric for Public Key Infrastructures191.362007
Automatic Analysis of Control Flow inWeb Services Composition Processes140.582007
Towards Semantics Driven Generation of Executable Web Services Compositions110.522007
Workflow pattern analysis in web services orchestration: the BPEL4WS example110.732005
Multisolution of Complex Performability Models in the OsMoSys/DrawNET Framework40.682005
Workflow principles applied to multi-solution analysis of dependable distributed systems40.522004
The OsMoSys approach to multi-formalism modeling of systems361.832004
A model analysis of a distributed monitoring system using a multi-formalism approach00.342004
Compositional Modeling of Complex Systems: Contact Center Scenarios in OsMoSys90.592004
Repairable Fault Tree for the Automatic Evaluation of Repair Policies251.542004
Modeling and logic controller specification of flexible manufacturing systems using behavioral traces and Petri net building blocks70.592004
Policy Based Interoperability In Distributed Security Infrastructures30.602003
Efficient model checking of properties of a distributed application: a multimedia case study50.412002
DrawNET++: Model Objects to Support Performance Analysis and Simulation of Systems101.252002
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