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Fourth Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop (KaRS)00.342022
How to Perform Reproducible Experiments in the ELLIOT Recommendation Framework - Data Processing, Model Selection, and Performance Evaluation.00.342021
Elliot: A Comprehensive and Rigorous Framework for Reproducible Recommender Systems Evaluation70.422021
Formal model for user-centred adaptive mobile devices.20.402017
Defining and computing Least Common Subsumers in RDF.00.342016
A Logic-Based Approach to Named-Entity Disambiguation in the Web of Data.20.352015
Inverting Subsumption for Constructive Reasoning.00.342012
Large scale skill matching through knowledge compilation40.412012
Semantic matchmaking as non-monotonic reasoning: a description logic approach572.402011
Structured knowledge representation for image retrieval140.882011
Finding Commonalities in RFID Semantic Streams.40.462011
Bargaining Agents in Wireless Contexts: An Alternating-Offers Protocol for Multi-issue Bilateral Negotiation in Mobile Marketplaces10.412009
Computing utility from weighted description logic preference formulas80.532009
I.M.P.A.K.T.: An Innovative Semantic-based Skill Management System Exploiting Standard SQL80.552009
A Tableaux-based Method for Computing Least Common Subsumers for Expressive Description Logics120.552009
A Tableaux-based calculus for Abduction in Expressive Description Logics: Preliminary Results120.722009
Computing Information Minimal Match Explanations for Logic-Based Matchmaking40.492009
Semantic-based Automated Evaluation of Company Core Competence00.342008
Towards a fuzzy logic for automated multi-issue negotiation30.392008
Finding informative commonalities in concept collections40.402008
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Description logics for multi-issue bilateral negotiation with incomplete information90.602007
Vague Knowledge Bases for Matchmaking in P2P E-Marketplaces150.772007
Extending Datalog for Matchmaking in P2P E-Marketplaces00.342007
Extending Datalog for Matchmaking in P2P E-Marketplaces00.342007
Semantic Based Collaborative P2P in Ubiquitous Computing120.772007
Extending propositional logic with concrete domains for multi-issue bilateral negotiation30.382007
Editorial message: semantic-based resource discovery, retrieval and composition track00.342006
A logic-based framework to compute Pareto agreements in one-shot bilateral negotiation150.982006
OwlEd: An Ontology Manager for MaMaS-tng00.342006
OwlEd: An Ontology Manager for MaMaS-tng00.342006
Semantic-enhanced Bluetooth discovery protocol for m-commerce applications170.822006
Semantic-Based Toolkit for Automated Building Block Composition in SAP R/300.342006
A Model Checking-based Method for Verifying Web Application Design170.752006
Fully Automated Web Services Orchestration in a Resource Retrieval Scenario120.842005
Concept abduction and contraction for semantic-based discovery of matches and negotiation spaces in an e-marketplace683.532005
Design verification of web applications using symbolic model checking240.942005
A knowledge based system for content-based retrieval of Scalable Vector Graphics documents10.372004
A Logic for SVG Documents Query and Retrieval50.492004
A Uniform Tableaux-Based Method for Concept Abduction and Contraction in Description Logics100.682004
A Uniform Tableaux-Based Method for Concept Abduction and Contraction in Description Logics100.682004
A Uniform Tableaux-Based Method for Concept Abduction and Contraction in Description Logics100.682004
A Uniform Tableaux-Based Method for Concept Abduction and Contraction in Description Logics100.682004
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