Institut Integriert Studieren, Linz, Austria
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An Accessible User Interface Concept for Non-Verbal and Spatial Aspects of Business Meetings for Blind and Visually Impaired People00.342021
Personal access to documents using different literacy levels00.342020
MAPVI: meeting accessibility for persons with visual impairments10.352019
Personalized Computer Access for People with Severe Motor Disabilities - AsTeRICS, FlipMouse and the Two-Level Personalization Software Engineering Method.00.342017
Accapto, a Generic Design and Development Toolkit for Accessible Mobile Apps.00.342017
Non-Visually Performing Analytical Tasks on Statistical Charts.00.342017
Assisting People With Nystagmus Through Image Stabilization: Using An Arx Model To Overcome Processing Delays00.342017
Towards a Cognitive Screenreader.00.342017
Extraction Methodology of Implicit Didactics in Math Schoolbooks for the Blind.00.342017
An Accessible Environment to Integrate Blind Participants into Brainstorming Sessions - User Studies.10.352016
Self-Determined Easy Access to Different Literacy Levels.00.342016
PONS - Mobility Assistance on Footpaths for Public Transportation.00.342015
A Comparative Study on Java Technologies for Focus and Cursor Handling in Accessible Dynamic Interactions.00.342015
2D Presentation Techniques of Mind-maps for Blind Meeting Participants.00.342015
Ontology-based Semantic Support to Improve Accessibility of Graphics.00.342015
Supporting Blind Students in STEM Education in Austria.00.342015
Stepwise Approach to Accessible MOOC Development.50.532015
Making Tabletop Interaction Accessible for Blind Users10.362014
A Tactile Presentation Method of Mind Maps in Co-located Meetings.00.342014
Easy to Read on the Web - State of the Art and Research Directions.20.892013
Dealing with changes in supporting students with disabilities in higher education00.342012
Gravity controls for windows10.362012
The eaccess+ network: enhancing the take-up of eaccessibility in europe00.342012
MathInBraille online converter00.342012
Improving the re-digitisation process by using software with automatic metadata detection20.692010
Success through exchange: the higher education accessibility guide (HEAG)00.342010
New production and delivery system for pupils with disabilities in Austria as chance for higher quality output00.342010
Planning of inclusive and accessible events00.342010
Accessibility of a social network game20.392010
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2010, Proceedings, Part II10419.962010
Web_Access: education on accessible web design00.342010
HCI and Usability for e-Inclusion, 5th Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society, USAB 2009, Linz, Austria, November 9-10, 2009 Proceedings393.682009
Web Accessibility - Implementierungsstrategien für ein Gütesiegel.20.462009
Distance Education and Training Programme on Accessible Web Design00.342009
Accessibility Issues in Game-Like Interfaces60.552008
Proposal for a Structure Mark-Up Supporting Accessibility for the Next Generation (X)HTML-Standards00.342008
Towards Generalised Accessibility of Computer Games Introduction to the Special Thematic Session30.572008
More Than Just a Game: Accessibility in Computer Games70.622008
A Computer Game Designed for All90.752008
Towards Generalised Accessibility of Computer Games110.802008
Joint Study Programme on Accessible Web Design40.662008
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 11th International Conference, ICCHP 2008, Linz, Austria, July 9-11, 2008. Proceedings38499.822008
Chemical Workbench for Blind People --- Accessing the Structure of Chemical Formula40.472008
A software model to support collaborative mathematical work between braille and sighted users50.662007
Mathematical Working Environments For The Blind: What Is Needed Now?40.572007
Web accessibility conformity assessment – implementation alternatives for a quality mark in austria30.662006
Schulbuch barrierefrei (accessible school books) – co-operation between publishers and service providers in austria40.602006
Accessible information space to promote accessible tourism20.472006
ECDL bf: equal opportunities through equal access to an ECDL e-learning solution10.352006
Raising the expertise of web designers through training – the experience of BFWD – accessible web design (barrierefreies webdesign) in austria50.882006
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