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Case Study on the Fuzzy Architecture Description of Cyber-Physical SoS under Uncertainty00.342021
Generating Formal Software Architecture Descriptions from Semi-Formal SysML-Based Models: A Model-Driven Approach00.342021
Evaluating a SysML-based Graphical Notation for Modeling Internet of Things System Architectures00.342020
Empowering SysML-Based Software Architecture Description with Formal Verification - From SysADL to CSP.00.342020
Fuzzy Architecture Description for Handling Uncertainty in IoT Systems-of-Systems10.362020
Assessment of Reference Architectures and Reference Models for Ambient Assisted Living Systems: Results of a Systematic Literature Review00.342020
On the Verification of Mission-Related Properties in Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems Architectural Design00.342020
Ark: a constraint-based method for architectural synthesis of smart systems00.342020
An architectural style for internet of things systems00.342020
Software mediators as first-class entities of systems-of-systems software architectures00.342019
Formally Describing Self-organizing Architectures for Systems-of-Systems on the Internet-of-Things.10.362018
The sosADL studio: an architecture development environment for software-intensive systems-of-systems.00.342016
Preserving architectural decisions through architectural patterns20.372016
3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS 2015)00.342015
Towards a Process to Design Architectures of Service-Oriented Robotic Systems.10.362014
An Approach for Capturing and Documenting Architectural Decisions of Reference Architectures.00.342014
Investigating the Model-Driven Development for Systems-of-Systems20.382014
Towards a conceptual model for Software-intensive System-of-Systems.50.502014
Towards a Taxonomy of Services for Developing Service-Oriented Robotic Systems.00.342014
Variability viewpoint to describe reference architectures20.362014
Composition-Centered architectural pattern description language50.562013
The state of the art and future perspectives in systems of systems software architectures271.242013
Building European software architecture community: how far have we come?10.362013
Perspectives and challenges of reference architectures in multi software product line00.342013
Architectural description of embedded systems: a systematic review90.592012
RAModel: A Reference Model for Reference Architectures230.952012
Using Architectural Patterns to Define Architectural Decisions110.552012
Negotiation in Heterogeneous Environments20.362010
Support for evolving software architectures in the ArchWare ADL301.862010
Formal Modelling And Analysis Of Hla Architectural Style40.522010
Formal Approach for the Development of Business Processes in Terms of Service-Oriented Architectures Using Pi-ADL20.362008
Representing Service-Oriented Architectural Models Using pi-ADL20.372008
The BPMSOA: evaluating the enactment of a business process using application domain specific grid services10.362008
.NET Extensions to the p-architecture Description Languages00.342008
Dynamic Software Architectures: Formally Modelling Structure and Behaviour with Pi-ADL30.392008
An active architecture approach to dynamic systems co-evolution110.822007
Formal Model-Driven Engineering of Distributed Simulation Systems based on Architecture-Centric Domain-Specific Approach00.342007
Intelligent Instrument Design With ArchWare ADL00.342006
π-AAL: an architecture analysis language for formally specifying and verifying structural and behavioural properties of software architectures90.602006
An approach for Multi-Agent metamodelling40.462006
Case Study on Architecture-Centered Design for Monitoring Views at CERN10.362005
Handling dynamic behaviour in software architectures40.532005
A Comparative Review of Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments160.982002
A Software Framework For Software-Intensive Process Modeling, Enactment And Fuzzy Control00.342001
π-SPACE: a formal architecture description language based on process algebra for evolving software systems80.532000
OMEGA: a language and system for on-line monitoring of software-intensive processes20.402000
Alliance: an agent-based case environment for enterprise process modelling, enactment and quantitative control30.491999
Reuse sensitive process models: are process elements software assets too?10.371996
Support for environment-mediated human cooperation in large-scale reuse-based projects00.341996
Process-centered environments: support for human-environment interaction and environment-mediated human cooperation30.481994
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