Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL USA
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Chance-Constrained Multiple Bin Packing Problem with an Application to Operating Room Planning00.342021
On Solving Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Disjunctive Programs with a General Ambiguity Set00.342019
Decomposition Algorithm for Distributionally Robust Optimization using Wasserstein Metric with an Application to a Class of Regression Models20.382019
A Data-Driven Functionally Robust Approach for Simultaneous Pricing and Order Quantity Decisions with Unknown Demand Function00.342019
Decomposition Algorithms for Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Mixed Binary Programs10.362018
Robust Decision Making using a General Utility Set40.402018
Tight Second Stage Formulations in Two-Stage Stochastic Mixed Integer Programs.10.362018
Generation of feasible integer solutions on a massively parallel computer using the feasibility pump.00.342017
Solution Of Monotone Complementarity And General Convex Programming Problems Using A Modified Potential Reduction Interior Point Method10.372017
Batch Sample Design from Databases for Logistic Regression.00.342017
Patient Associated Motion Detection with Optical Flow Using Microsoft Kinect V200.342017
A design of experiments approach to validation sampling for logistic regression modeling with error-prone medical records.10.382016
A Moment Matching Approach for Generating Synthetic Data.10.422016
Detecting Out-of-Bed Activities to Prevent Pneumonia for Hospitalized Patient Using Microsoft Kinect V210.392016
Scenario generation for stochastic optimization problems via the sparse grid method10.362015
Preventing venous thromboembolism in patients admitted by hospital using Microsoft Kinect V210.382015
Inferring Clinical Workflow Efficiency via Electronic Medical Record Utilization.30.422015
An empirical evaluation of a walk-relax-round heuristic for mixed integer convex programs20.392015
A Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Programming Approach to Integrated Staffing and Scheduling with Application to Nurse Management120.562015
Nurse Staffing under demand Uncertainty to Reduce Costs and Enhance Patient Safety.10.352014
Models and algorithms for distributionally robust least squares problems110.752014
Stochastically weighted stochastic dominance concepts with an application in capital budgeting.70.472014
Characteristics of a simulation model of the national kidney transplantation system.00.342013
Generating Moment Matching Scenarios Using Optimization Techniques.40.432013
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Uses Operations Research Tools to Improve Surgeon Training20.422013
An empirical evaluation of walk-and-round heuristics for mixed integer linear programs40.442013
Computational experience with a modified potential reduction algorithm for linear programming40.412012
Robust and Stochastically Weighted Multiobjective Optimization Models and Reformulations200.802012
Generating nested quadrature formulas for general weight functions with known moments10.362012
Sample average approximation of stochastic dominance constrained programs260.872012
Branching on hyperplane methods for mixed integer linear and convex programming using adjoint lattices40.442011
Self-concordance and Decomposition-based Interior Point Methods for the Two-stage Stochastic Convex Optimization Problem10.372011
Validation and characterization of DNA microarray gene expression data distribution and associated moments.00.342010
An Interior Point Optimization Solver for Real Time Inter-frame Collision Detection: Exploring Resource-Accuracy-Platform Tradeoffs40.632010
Segment Lll Reduction Of Lattice Bases Using Modular Arithmetic20.382010
Convergence of a Weighted Barrier Decomposition Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Programming with Discrete Support10.372010
On the Implementation of Interior Point Decomposition Algorithms for Two-Stage Stochastic Conic Programs60.532009
Decomposition Based Interior Point Methods for Two-Stage Stochastic Convex Quadratic Programs with Recourse100.782009
FPGA Implementation of the Interior-Point Algorithm with Applications to Collision Detection50.502009
A Cutting-Surface Method for Uncertain Linear Programs with Polyhedral Stochastic Dominance Constraints220.852009
Decomposition-Based Interior Point Methods for Two-Stage Stochastic Semidefinite Programming90.632007
A model-based optimization framework for the inference of regulatory interactions using time-course DNA microarray expression data.190.642007
Convergence Conditions and Krylov Subspace---Based Corrections for Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method70.742005
A Linear Programming Solution for Exact Collision Detection80.602005
A model-based optimization framework for the inference on gene regulatory networks from DNA array data.60.732004
Generating Convex Polynomial Inequalities for Mixed 0–1 Programs60.572002
On the Value of Binary Expansions for General Mixed-Integer Linear Programs151.052002
3D Animation of Telecollaborative Anthropomorphic Avatars30.792001
Experimental Results on Using General Disjunctions in Branch-and-Bound for General-Integer Linear Programs130.652001
A disjunctive cutting plane procedure for general mixed-integer linear programs181.092001
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