Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
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Diversity-Robust Acoustic Feature Signatures Based on Multiscale Fractal Dimension for Similarity Search of Environmental Sounds00.342021
Wikipedia Category Ontology - A Framework for Utilization of the Wikipedia Category Structure by Knowledge Engineers.00.342020
Measuring Beginner Friendliness of Japanese Web Pages explaining Academic Concepts by Integrating Neural Image Feature and Text Features.00.342018
COLIEE-2018 - Evaluation of the Competition on Legal Information Extraction and Entailment.00.342018
WC3 - Wikipedia Category Comprehensiveness Checker based on the DBpedia Metadata Database.00.342018
Visualizing Polarity-based Stances of News Websites.00.342018
Analysis of COLIEE Information Retrieval Task Data.00.342017
A Civil Code Article Information Retrieval System based on Phrase Alignment with Article Structure Analysis and Ensemble Approach.00.342017
NaDev: An Annotated Corpus to Support Information Extraction from Research Papers on Nanocrystal Devices.00.342016
Comparative Analysis of GDELT Data Using the News Site Contrast System.00.342016
HUKB at NTCIR-12 IMine-2 Task: Utilization of Query Analysis Results and Wikipedia Data for Subtopic Mining.00.342016
WC3: Analyzing the Style of Metadata Annotation Among Wikipedia Articles by Using Wikipedia Category and the DBpedia Metadata Database.00.342016
WC3: Wikipedia Category Consistency Checker Based on DBPedia.00.342015
Interactive Metric Learning-Based Visual Data Exploration: Application to the Visualization of a Scientific Social Network.10.372015
Extraction of Chemical and Drug Named Entities by Ensemble Learning Using Chemical NER Tools Based on Different Extraction Guidelines.00.342015
The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles722.172015
A Power Allocation Management System Using an Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem20.422014
Construction of a Japanese gazetteers for Japanese local toponym disambiguation00.342013
Query Classification by Using Named Entity Recognition Systems and Clue Keywords.20.412013
Time Series Topic Modeling and Bursty Topic Detection of Correlated News and Twitter.60.442013
Issues for Linking Geographical Open Data of GeoNames and Wikipedia.40.532012
Cross-Lingual Topic Alignment in Time Series Japanese / Chinese News10.352012
Automatic Information Extraction of Experiments from Nanodevices Development Papers10.392012
Applying a Burst Model to Detect Bursty Topics in a Topic Model.100.652012
Multifaceted analysis of news articles by using semantic annotated information30.672012
NTCIR9-GeoTime Overview - Evaluating Geographic and Temporal Search: Round 2.111.092011
Evaluation of Interactive Information Access System using Concept Map00.342011
Construction of tagged corpus for Nanodevices development papers.20.452011
A Micro-analysis of Topic Variation for a Geotemporal Query.00.342011
ABRIR at NTCIR-9 GeoTime Task Usage of Wikipedia and GeoNames for Handling Named Entity Information.10.532011
Extracting concerns and reports on crimes in blogs00.342010
Knowledge exploratory project for nanodevice design and manufacturing20.582010
On a Combination of Probabilistic and Boolean IR Models for GeoTime Task.30.542010
Information Retrieval Technology, 5th Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, AIRS 2009, Sapporo, Japan, October 21-23, 2009. Proceedings361.742009
Cross-Lingual Analysis of Concerns and Reports on Crimes in Blogs00.342009
IR interface for contrasting multiple news sites90.822008
Web-based knowledge database construction method for supporting design10.372008
Analyzing Multiple News Sites by Contrasting Articles30.432008
A Support System for Designing Ubiquitous Service Composition Scenarios61.112007
Evaluating topic difficulties from the viewpoint of query term expansion00.342006
Towards construction of evaluation framework for query expansion00.342005
On a combination of probabilistic and boolean ir models for WWW document retrieval50.502005
Overview of the NTCIR-5 WEB Query Term Expansion Subtask20.452005
An Appropriate Boolean Query Reformulation Interface for Information Retrieval Based on Adaptive Generalization40.492005
Towards constructing story databases using maximal analogies between stories00.342004
Tagging for intelligent processing of design information00.342004
Physical concept ontology for the knowledge intensive engineering framework351.792004
Multiple News Articles Summarization Based on Event Reference Information111.042004
Study on the Combination of Probabilistic and Boolean IR Models for WWW Documents Retrieval80.642004
Development of an information retrieval system suitable for large-scale scholarly databases00.342003
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