University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, Antwerp 2610, Belgium
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Lamina-specific neuronal properties promote robust, stable signal propagation in feedforward networks00.342020
Draculab: A Python Simulator for Firing Rate Neural Networks With Delayed Adaptive Connections.00.342019
Fallacies of Mice Experiments.00.342019
Deep Learning and Computational Neuroscience.10.352018
Spatiotemporal network coding of physiological mossy fiber inputs by the cerebellar granular layer.10.352017
Time to Bring Single Neuron Modeling into 3D.20.382017
Parallel STEPS: Large Scale Stochastic Spatial Reaction-Diffusion Simulation with High Performance Computers.00.342017
Neuroinformatics for Degenerate Brains.00.342016
On the firing rate dependency of the phase response curve of rat Purkinje neurons in vitro.20.362015
Cerebellar Nuclear Neurons Use Time and Rate Coding to Transmit Purkinje Neuron Pauses.00.342015
Python-based geometry preparation and simulation visualization toolkits for STEPS.20.372014
The role of dendritic spine morphology in the compartmentalization and delivery of surface receptors00.342014
The Dangers of Plug-and-Play Simulation Using Shared Models.40.432014
Efficient calculation of the quasi-static electrical potential on a tetrahedral mesh and its implementation in STEPS.30.422013
Collaborative Modeling in Neuroscience: Time to Go Open Model?20.412013
The importance of stochastic signaling processes in the induction of long-term synaptic plasticity.20.442013
The promise and shortcomings of XML as an interchange format for computational models of biology.30.402012
The layer-oriented approach to declarative languages for biological modeling.40.482012
Geometric theory predicts bifurcations in minimal wiring cost trees in biology are flat.10.362012
STEPS: efficient simulation of stochastic reaction–diffusion models in realistic morphologies291.292012
Ten Years of Neuroinformatics.00.342012
Determinants of synaptic integration and heterogeneity in rebound firing explored with data-driven models of deep cerebellar nucleus cells.40.892011
Next Steps in Data Publishing.30.592011
Data Publishing and Scientific Journals: The Future of the Scientific Paper in a World of Shared Data.30.452010
Review of Papers Describing Neuroinformatics Software.20.502009
STEPS: Modeling and Simulating Complex Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Python.100.762009
Calcium, synaptic plasticity and intrinsic homeostasis in Purkinje neuron models.70.482008
Why Are Computational Neuroscience And Systems Biology So Separate?251.422008
Reviewing Multi-Disciplinary Papers: a Challenge in Neuroscience?70.632008
A second look back00.342007
Neurospaces: Towards automated model partitioning for parallel computers00.342007
Interoperability of Neuroscience Modeling Software: Current Status and Future Directions312.922007
Neuroscience Leading the Way: Reviews Cascade by the INCF.10.362007
A Novel High Channel-Count System for Acute Multisite Neuronal Recordings.20.662006
Complex Parameter Landscape For A Complex Neuron Model617.282006
On the future of the human brain project.51.362006
The effect of NMDA receptors on gain modulation.10.362005
Computational Neuroscience: Trends in research 200400.342005
Passive models of neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei: the effect of reconstruction errors70.782004
Neurospaces parameter handling.10.372004
A detailed three-dimensional model of the cerebellar granular layer10.442004
NeuroSpaces: separating modeling and simulation00.342003
Novelty detection in a Kohonen like network with a Long Term Depression learning rule70.852003
Involvement of multiple functionally distinct cerebellar regions in visual discrimination: a human functional imaging study20.582003
An information science infrastructure for neuroscience40.622003
Synchronization of Purkinje cell pairs along the parallel fiber axis: a model50.542003
NeuroML for plug and play neuronal modeling20.882002
Rank order decoding of temporal parallel fibre input patterns in a complex Purkinje cell model20.382002
Modulatory effects of parallel fiber and molecular layer interneuron synaptic activity on purkinje cell responses to ascending segment input: a modeling study.40.732002
Synchronization between patches of local excitation in a cerebellar granular layer model00.342001
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