Pohang Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Pohang 790784, South Korea
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Learning to Maximize Speech Quality Directly Using MOS Prediction for Neural Text-to-Speech00.342022
Recycling Sampling Timing Offset of Wi-Fi for Estimating Multiple ToFs of Superimposed Signal10.372021
FDCR: A Full-Duplex Collision Resolution Scheme for Next-Generation Wireless LANs00.342021
FlexVi: PHY Aided Flexible Multicast for Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11 WLANs10.362020
Collision decoding and reporting: A new collision resolution approach using full-duplex radio in WLANs.00.342020
WiderCast: Enabling Wider Bandwidth for Wireless Multicast over IEEE 802.11ac WLANs00.342020
Down-clocking Scheme using Deep Learning for Minimizing Energy Consumption in Wireless Networks00.342020
T-DCORAL: A Threshold-Based Dynamic Controller Resource Allocation for Elastic Control Plane in Software-Defined Data Center Networks20.372019
A Full-Duplex MAC Protocol Based on Buffer Status Report for Successive Full-Duplex Link Setup10.352019
Frequency Domain Coordination MAC Protocol for Full-Duplex Wireless Networks10.482019
Full-duplex MAC protocol using buffer status reports during unused uplink periods in WLAN.00.342019
Design and implementation of monitoring system for breathing and heart rate pattern using WiFi signals00.342018
HeS-CoP: Heuristic switch-controller placement scheme for distributed SDN controllers in data center networks.00.342018
Live distributed controller migration for software-defined data center networks.00.342018
Selective AP probing for indoor positioning in a large and AP-dense environment.10.362017
Pre-shared Key Agreement for Secure Public Wi-Fi.00.342017
Design and implementation of LISP controller in ONOS20.402016
OFMon: OpenFlow monitoring system in ONOS controllers40.382016
RAMCAST: Reliable and Adaptive Multicast Over IEEE 802.11n WLANs.10.362016
Probabilistic Class Histogram Equalization Based on Posterior Mean Estimation for Robust Speech Recognition00.342015
Bursty-Contention Distribution for Energy Efficiency in Large Scale IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks00.342015
Sleeping mobile AP: a novel energy efficient Wifi tethering scheme20.392015
Energy efficient Wifi tethering on a smartphone80.482014
Exploiting Additional Active Time of WiFi Interface to Reduce Power Consumption of Smartphones00.342014
An adaptive collision resolution scheme for energy efficient communication in IEEE 802.15.4 networks40.462014
Discriminative likelihood score weighting based on acoustic-phonetic classification for speaker identification.20.352014
A Multichannel Relay Mac Protocol For Ieee 802.11 Wireless Lans00.342014
Maximizing Transmission Opportunities in Wireless Multihop Networks20.412013
Joint rate and voltage adaptation to save energy of software radios in underutilized WLAN00.342013
Throughput Enhancement for WDS-Based WLANs00.342013
Evaluation on enterprise WLAN techniques10.362013
Fast and Accurate Wi-Fi Localization in Large-Scale Indoor Venues.20.372013
A link contact duration-based routing protocol in delay-tolerant networks30.412013
Handoff performance enhancement scheme for multi-interface enterprise WLANs00.342013
Enhanced adaptive periodic mobility load balancing algorithm for LTE femtocell networks10.362013
An elastic compensation model for frame-based scheduling algorithms in wireless networks00.342013
Characteristics of a large-scale WiFi radiomap and their implications in indoor localization10.362013
Design of Efficient Multicast Protocol for IEEE 802.11n WLANs and Cross-Layer Optimization for Scalable Video Streaming60.552012
Multiple Acoustic Model-Based Discriminative Likelihood Ratio Weighting for Voice Activity Detection.130.952012
Heuristic Burst Construction Algorithm for Improving Downlink Capacity in IEEE 802.16 OFDMA Systems10.352012
Multi-rate combination of opportunistic routing and network coding: An optimization perspective00.342012
An adaptive ARQ-HARQ interworking scheme in WiMAX systems10.372012
Achieving Fairness Between Uplink and Downlink Flows in Error-Prone WLANs70.522011
Reliable likelihood ratios for statistical model-based voice activity detector with low false-alarm rate.60.372011
Multicast Extension to Proxy Mobile IPv6 for Mobile Multicast Services.10.362011
Analysis of body communication parameters using Software Radio platform10.492011
A Cooperative Channel Assignment protocol for multi-channel multi-rate wireless mesh networks110.552011
Achieving per-station fairness in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs20.402010
A client-based vertical handoff approach for seamless mobility across heterogeneous wireless networks30.422010
Multihop Transmission Opportunity in Wireless Multihop Networks80.542010
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