LORIA, Nancy, France
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New Measures for Offline Evaluation of Learning Path Recommenders.00.342020
Learning Analytics Made in France: The METALproject.00.342019
C3Ro: An efficient mining algorithm of extended-closed contiguous robust sequential patterns in noisy data00.342019
DEER: Distant and Essential Episode Rules for early prediction.10.352018
CCPM: A Scalable and Noise-Resistant Closed Contiguous Sequential Patterns Mining Algorithm.00.342017
Identifying representative users in matrix factorization-based recommender systems: application to solving the content-less new item cold-start problem.30.382017
Sets of Contrasting Rules: A Supervised Descriptive Rule Induction Pattern for Identification of Trigger Factors00.342016
Identifying Grey Sheep Users in Collaborative Filtering: A Distribution-Based Technique.20.392016
Identifying Users with Atypical Preferences to Anticipate Inaccurate Recommendations.10.362015
When Users with Preferences Different from Others Get Inaccurate Recommendations.00.342015
Influencer Events in Episode Rules: A Way to Impact the Occurrence of Events20.382015
Identification des utilisateurs atypiques dans les systèmes de recommandation sociale.00.342015
Predict the Emergence: Application to Competencies in Job Offers20.392015
Episode Rules Mining Algorithm for Distant Event Prediction30.372014
Efficient Discovery of Episode Rules with a Minimal Antecedent and a Distant Consequent.30.382014
Extraction de règles d'épisodes minimales dans des séquences complexes.00.342014
Unsupervised Machine Learning Based on Recommendation of Pedagogical Resources10.342014
Utilité et perception de la diversité dans les systèmes de recommandation.00.342013
Détection de communautés d'intérêt et recommandation sociale par leaders.00.342012
From neighbors to global neighbors in collaborative filtering: an evolutionary optimization approach40.442012
Exploitation du skipping pour la modélisation prédictive des usages du web. Vers une meilleure prise en compte du bruit.00.342012
Stochastic search for global neighbors selection in collaborative filtering50.422012
Utilisation d'invariants pour une médiation inter-domaines de modèles utilisateurs : ressources invariantes et invariants sémantiques.00.342012
Handling Tabbing and Backward References for Predictive Web Usage Mining.00.342011
Densifying a behavioral recommender system by social networks link prediction methods190.842011
From Community Detection To Mentor Selection In Rating-Free Collaborative Filtering00.342011
Collaborative Learning in Heterogeneous Classes - Towards a Group Formation Methodology.50.522011
Inspiration des sondages d'opinion pour réduire la latence en filtrage collaboratif00.342011
Improving reliability of user preferences: Comparing instead of rating.10.362011
Comparisons Instead of Ratings: Towards More Stable Preferences190.992011
Initial Perspectives from Preferences Expressed through Comparisons.30.502011
An Exploratory Work in Using Comparisons Instead of Ratings.20.472011
Du e-commerce au m-commerce : vers une recommandation incrémentale00.342010
Linking Collaborative Filtering and Social Networks: Who Are My Mentors?30.422010
Detecting Leaders in Behavioral Networks50.482010
Detecting Leaders to Alleviate Latency in Recommender Systems00.342010
Detecting Parallel Browsing to Improve Web Predictive Modeling.00.342010
Compass to locate the user model i need: building the bridge between researchers and practitioners in user modeling10.352010
History Dependent Recommender Systems Based on Partial Matching30.402009
From Social Networks to Behavioral Networks in Recommender Systems110.592009
A low-order markov model integrating long-distance histories for collaborative recommender systems40.482009
Towards Privacy Compliant and Anytime Recommender Systems30.412009
Behavioral similarities for collaborative recommendations50.422008
Probabilistic Association Rules for Item-Based Recommender Systems10.362008
Using Skipping for Sequence-Based Collaborative Filtering20.402008
Probabilistic Reinforcement Rules for Item-Based Recommender Systems00.342008
Towards a statistical grammar of usage for document retrieval in digital libraries.00.342007
Natural language processing for usage based indexing of web resources20.362007
Contribution to topic identification by using word similarity30.452002
A Comparative Study Of Topic Identification On Newspaper And E-Mail80.612001
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