School of Computing, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
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Execution of Partial State Machine Models00.342022
A general architecture for client-agnostic hybrid model editors as a service.00.342022
Live Modeling In The Context Of State Machine Models And Code Generation00.342021
On The Benefits Of File-Level Modularity For Emf Models00.342021
MRegTest: A Replay-Based Regression Testing Tool for Distributed UML-RT Models00.342021
Efficient Replay-based Regression Testing for Distributed Reactive Systems in the Context of Model-driven Development00.342021
Toward client-agnostic hybrid model editor tools as a service00.342020
A model-based architecture for interactive run-time monitoring00.342020
Efficient reordering and replay of execution traces of distributed reactive systems in the context of model-driven development.00.342020
MReplayer: a trace replayer of distributed UML-RT models00.342020
Live-Umlrt: A Tool For Live Modeling Of Uml-Rt Models00.342019
Concolic testing for models of state-based systems.00.342019
Survey and classification of model transformation tools70.452019
Towards Modeling Framework for DevOps - Requirements Derived from Industry Use Case.00.342019
Pitfalls Analyzer: Quality Control for Model-Driven Data Science Pipelines10.362019
mCUTE: a model-level concolic unit testing engine for UML state machines00.342019
A controller synthesis framework for automated service composition.00.342019
Preface to the 1st Workshop on DevOps@MODELS00.342019
Enabling model-driven software development tools for the internet of things00.342019
PMExec: an execution engine of partial UML-RT models00.342019
Solving the RoboSoccer Challenge Problem with UML-RT and Papyrus-RT00.342019
Model development guidelines for UML-RT: conventions, patterns and antipatterns.20.382018
Analyzing a decade of Linux system calls.20.372018
Property-Aware Unit Testing of UML-RT Models in the Context of MDE.00.342018
Preface to the 2nd International Workshop on Model Driven Engineering Tools (MDETools 2018).00.342018
Chapter Four - Optimizing the Symbolic Execution of Evolving Rhapsody Statecharts.00.342018
MDebugger: a model-level debugger for UML-RT.20.432018
Guest editorial for the special section on MODELS 2014.00.342018
How is ATL Really Used? Language Feature Use in the ATL Zoo20.352017
Model-level, platform-independent debugging in the context of the model-driven development of real-time systems60.492017
Supporting Model Refinement with Equivalence Checking in the Context of Model-driven Engineering with UML-RT.00.342017
Controller synthesis for dynamic hierarchical real-time plants using timed automata.00.342017
Evaluation of UML-RT and Papyrus-RT for Modelling Self-Adaptive Systems.00.342017
Modelling and code generation for real-time embedded systems with UML-RT and papyrus-RT.10.352017
Language-specific model checking of UML-RT models00.342017
Formal Analysis of Predictable Data Flow in Fault-Tolerant Multicore Systems.00.342016
Run-time Monitoring of a Rover: MDE Research with Open Source Software and Low-cost Hardware.00.342016
Complexity Is The Only Constant: Trends In Computing And Their Relevance To Model Driven Engineering00.342016
The problems with eclipse modeling tools: a topic analysis of eclipse forums.100.582016
An executable formal semantics for UML-RT.110.632016
Supporting The Model-Driven Development Of Real-Time Embedded Systems With Run-Time Monitoring And Animation Via Highly Customizable Code Generation20.392016
Model Transformation Intents and Their Properties300.782016
A Model For Industrial Real-Time Systems20.372015
Formal Verification Techniques for Model Transformations: A Tridimensional Classification160.722015
Compositional Predictability Analysis of Mixed Critical Real Time Systems.00.342015
Model transformations for migrating legacy deployment models in the automotive industry40.402015
SyVOLT: Full Model Transformation Verification Using Contracts.10.352015
State machine antipatterns for UML-RT10.362015
Incremental symbolic execution of evolving state machines20.372015
System-Model-based Simulation of UML Models20.402014
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