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Editorial: Integrating Computational and Neural Findings in Visual Object Perception.00.342016
fNIRS-based BCI for Robot Control10.362015
The cortex-based alignment approach to tms coil positioning00.342014
Development from childhood to adulthood increases morphological and functional inter-individual variability in the right superior temporal cortex.20.432013
Corrigendum to 'The sound of size' crossmodal binding in pitch-size synesthesia: A combined TMS, EEG and psychophysics study [NeuroImage 59/1(2012) 663-672].00.342013
Functionally informed cortex based alignment: An integrated approach for whole-cortex macro-anatomical and ROI-based functional alignment.140.982013
Crossmodal interactions of haptic and visual texture information in early sensory cortex.30.472013
BrainVoyager - Past, present, future.251.252012
Visual awareness suppression by pre-stimulus brain stimulation; a neural effect.40.592012
Early human visual cortex encodes surface brightness induced by dynamic context.20.442012
Extinguishing extinction: hemispheric differences in the modulation of TMS-induced visual extinction by directing covert spatial attention.20.462012
Integration of "what" and "where" in frontal cortex during visual imagery of scenes.20.402012
Predicting subject-driven actions and sensory experience in a virtual world with Relevance Vector Machine Regression of fMRI data.110.602011
The identification of interacting networks in the brain using fMRI: Model selection, causality and deconvolution.572.572011
Optimal design of multi-subject blocked fMRI experiments.30.422011
The effect of sensory modality and previous experience on perceived roughness.10.372011
Whole brain high-resolution functional imaging at ultra high magnetic fields: An application to the analysis of resting state networks.201.042011
Continuous motor sequence learning: cortical efficiency gains accompanied by striatal functional reorganization.30.832010
Brain network dynamics underlying visuospatial judgment: An fmri connectivity study10.382010
Collicular vision guides nonconscious behavior.100.992010
Dynamic brightness induction in V1: Analyzing simulated and empirically acquired fMRI data in a "common brain space" framework.50.482010
Robustness of optimal design of fMRI experiments with application of a genetic algorithm.40.482010
Remembered but unused: The accessory items in working memory that do not guide attention20.692009
Optimizing functional accuracy of tms in cognitive studies: A comparison of methods151.382009
Novelty and target processing during an auditory novelty oddball: A simultaneous event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging study171.032008
Classification of fMRI independent components using IC-fingerprints and support vector machine classifiers.703.882007
Improved quality of auditory event-related potentials recorded simultaneously with 3-T fMRI: removal of the ballistocardiogram artefact.472.722007
Understanding the functional neuroanatomy of acquired prosopagnosia.102.542007
Common neural substrates for visual working memory and attention211.572007
Top-down task effects overrule automatic multisensory responses to letter-sound pairs in auditory association cortex.151.392007
Receptive field size-dependent attention effects in simultaneously presented stimulus displays.61.832006
Mapping directed influence over the brain using Granger causality and fMRI.23115.602005
Attentional systems in target and distractor processing: a combined ERP and fMRI study.303.882004
Real-time independent component analysis of fMRI time-series.303.212003
Integration of multiple motion vectors over space: an fMRI study of transparent motion perception.61.402002
Das Lösen rekursiver Programmierprobleme: Ein Simulationsmodell00.341991