Research Center for Information Security (RCIS), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Japan
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Quantum key distribution using Mean King problem with modified measurement schemes.00.342012
HB♭ protocol for lightweight authentication; Its information theoretic indistinguishability against MITM attack watching reader's response00.342012
Non-binary quasi-cyclic quantum LDPC codes60.502011
Unconditionally secure electronic voting00.342010
LDPC codes with fixed initialization decoding over binary symmetric channel10.382010
Wolf Fingerprints Against Minutiae Count Matching Systems10.372010
How to strengthen the security of RSA-OAEP10.372010
A note on a fatal error of optimized LFC private information retrieval scheme and its corrected results00.342010
Efficient and adaptively secure append-only signature00.342009
Universally Composable And Statistically Secure Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme Based On Pre-Distributed Data70.462009
Dual-Policy Attribute Based Encryption210.992009
New security layer for overlay networks.00.342009
Smallest Size Of Circulant Matrix For Regular (3, L) And (4, L) Quasi-Cyclic Ldpc Codes With Girth 620.412009
Combining Public Key Encryption With Keyword Search And Public Key Encryption80.432009
Constructing better KEMs with partial message recovery10.382009
Semantic security for the McEliece cryptosystem without random oracles471.632008
The Commitment Capacity of the Gaussian Channel Is Infinite110.672008
Strong Anonymous Signatures20.382008
Error-correcting codes and cryptography00.342008
Formal security treatments for signatures from identity-based encryption70.452007
Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocols Achieving a Non-zero Rate from Any Non-trivial Noisy Correlation50.502007
A secure threshold anonymous password-authenticated key exchange protocol150.762007
An improvement of Tardos's collusion-secure fingerprinting codes with very short lengths120.772007
A CDH-based strongly unforgeable signature without collision resistant hash function40.402007
Efficient hybrid encryption from ID-based encryption210.782007
Quantum Quasi-Cyclic Ldpc Codes402.242007
Anonymous pay-TV system with secure revenue sharing00.342007
Trade-Off Traitor Tracing00.342007
Decimation-Based Fast Correlation Attack00.342007
Generic combination of public key encryption with keyword search and public key encryption271.212007
On the key-privacy issue of McEliece public-key encryption20.402007
Algebraic cryptanalysis of 58-round SHA-1140.872007
On The Oblivious Transfer Capacity Of The Erasure Channel160.872006
Unconditionally Secure Anonymous Encryption and Group Authentication210.992006
Unconditionally secure chaffing-and-winnowing: a relationship between encryption and authentication30.402006
An Efficient Group Signature Scheme from Bilinear Maps551.962006
A New Security Architecture For Personal Networks10.382006
Efficient shared-key authentication scheme from any weak pseudorandom function00.342006
A short random fingerprinting code against a small number of pirates121.562006
On achieving chosen ciphertext security with decryption errors00.342006
Lightweight Privacy For Ubiquitous Devices00.342006
An Elliptic Curve Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Security10.352006
A general formulation of algebraic and fast correlation attacks based on dedicated sample decimation70.502006
Generic transforms to acquire CCA-Security for identity based encryption: the cases of FOPKC and REACT110.692006
An Efficient Compiler from Sigma-Protocol to 2-Move Deniable Zero-Knowledge00.342006
An authentication and key exchange protocol for secure credential services10.362006
Bit Commitment over Gaussian Channels20.382006
Forward-Secure and searchable broadcast encryption with short ciphertexts and private keys100.712006
Relation between the XL Algorithm and Gröbner Basis Algorithms20.492006
Improvements on security proofs of some identity based encryption schemes30.392005
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