Dept. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación, University of Málaga, ETSI Informática, Málaga, Spain
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Visualizing for Success: How Can we Make the User more Efficient in Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms?00.342016
A GRASP-based memetic algorithm with path relinking for the far from most string problem20.362015
There is Noisy Lunch: A Study of Noise in Evolutionary Optimization Problems.40.402015
Virtual player design using self-learning via competitive coevolutionary algorithms.50.472014
Studying and Tackling Noisy Fitness in Evolutionary Design of Game Characters.00.342014
Solving weighted constraint satisfaction problems with memetic/exact hybrid algorithms30.392014
An Analysis of a Selecto-Lamarckian Model of Multimemetic Algorithms with Dynamic Self-organized Topology.10.392013
Influence Of Selective Pressure On Quality Of Solutions And Speed Of Evolutionary Mastermind00.342013
Cross Entropy-Based Memetic Algorithms: An Application Study Over The Tool Switching Problem00.342013
On user-centric memetic algorithms70.482013
Evolving the strategies of agents for the ANTS game00.342013
A Search For Scalable Evolutionary Solutions To The Game Of Mastermind00.342013
A review of computational intelligence in RTS games40.542013
Design of emergent and adaptive virtual players in a war RTS game30.392012
Memetic algorithms and memetic computing optimization: A literature review.1082.372012
Scaling in distributed evolutionary algorithms with persistent population50.442012
Special issue on evolutionary music.00.342012
Memetic cooperative models for the tool switching problem.40.402011
Effective patient prioritization in mass casualty incidents using hyperheuristics and the pilot method60.472011
On the use of human-guided evolutionary algorithms for tackling 2D packing problems00.342011
A Memetic Algorithm For Designing Balanced Incomplete Blocks10.352011
A memetic cooperative optimization schema and its application to the tool switching problem40.402010
Entropy-driven evolutionary approaches to the mastermind problem60.652010
Hybrid Cooperation Models for the Tool Switching Problem60.462010
Evolution of artificial terrains for video games based on accessibility231.612010
Keeping The Ball Rolling: Teaching Strategies Using Wikipedia An Argument In Favor Of Its Use In Computer Science Courses00.342010
Breeding Terrains With Genetic Terrain Programming: The Evolution Of Terrain Generators211.302009
Finding low autocorrelation binary sequences with memetic algorithms150.882009
Testing the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis: Effect of Asynchronous Population Incorporation on Multi-Deme Evolutionary Algorithms150.772008
MultiKulti Algorithm: Migrating the Most Different Genotypes in an Island Model40.492008
A Memetic Algorithm for the Tool Switching Problem110.612008
Who Is The Best Connected Ec Researcher? Centrality Analysis Of The Complex Network Of Authors In Evolutionary Computation00.342007
A memetic algorithm for the low autocorrelation binary sequence problem60.642007
A probabilistic beam search approach to the shortest common supersequence problem70.592007
Tackling the Error Correcting Code Problem Via the Cooperation of Local-Search-Based Agents00.342007
Estudio, Implantación y Resultados de la Adaptación Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en las Asignaturas de Programación de la Titulación de Informática de la Universidad de Málaga00.342007
A multi-level memetic/exact hybrid algorithm for the still life problem20.362006
A memetic algorithm with bucket elimination for the still life problem30.402006
Scatter search with path relinking for phylogenetic inference70.552006
Hierarchical clustering, languages and cancer10.362006
An evolutionary approach to the inference of phylogenetic networks00.342006
Memetic algorithms with partial lamarckism for the shortest common supersequence problem80.612005
A comparison of evolutionary approaches to the shortest common supersequence problem60.552005
Analyzing fitness landscapes for the optimal golomb ruler problem30.402005
Genes related with alzheimer's disease: a comparison of evolutionary search, statistical and integer programming approaches20.412005
Solving the multidimensional knapsack problem using an evolutionary algorithm hybridized with branch and bound90.522005
On the application of evolutionary algorithms to the consensus tree problem20.402005
A Primer on the Evolution of Equivalence Classes of Bayesian-Network Structures40.392004
Reverse engineering of temporal Boolean networks from noisy data using evolutionary algorithms50.472004
Scatter Search and Memetic Approaches to the Error Correcting Code Problem40.502004
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