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Identifying Mobility Pattern of Specific User Types Based on Mobility Data.00.342021
Analysis of the Daily Mobility Behavior Before and After the Corona Virus Pandemic - A Field Study.00.342021
Tackling Problems on Maintenance and Evolution in Industry 4.0 Scenarios Using a Distributed Architecture.00.342021
Erratum zu: Mensch-Computer-Interaktion als zentrales Gebiet der Informatik - Bestandsaufnahme, Trends und Herausforderungen.00.342021
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion als zentrales Gebiet der Informatik - Bestandsaufnahme, Trends und Herausforderungen.00.342020
1st Workshop on Evaluating Intelligent and Ubiquitous Mobility Systems.00.342020
Analysis and Comparison of the Gaze Behavior of E-Scooter Drivers and Cyclists.00.342020
Verbindungsaufbau zu mobilen Public Displays.00.342020
Mobilitätssysteme - von Daten, Schnittstellen und Modellen.00.342020
Sensordatenerhebung Komfortbezogener Einflüsse auf den Radverkehr.00.342020
Evaluation of a smart public display in public transport.00.342019
How to get in touch with the passenger: context-aware choices of output modality in smart public transport00.342019
Monitoring Road Surface Conditions For Bicycles - Using Mobile Device Sensor Data From Crowd Sourcing00.342019
Vote-For-It: Investigating Mobile Device-Based Interaction Techniques For Collocated Anonymous Voting And Rating00.342019
User strategies for mobile device-based interactions to prevent shoulder surfing00.342019
Smart Traffic Light Request Button - Improving Interaction and Accessibility for Pedestrians.00.342019
Understanding The Usefulness And Acceptance Of Adaptivity In Smart Public Transport00.342019
Investigating Users' Responses To Context-Aware Presentations On Large Displays In Public Transport00.342019
A visual comparison of gaze behavior from pedestrians and cyclists00.342018
Toward an execution system for self-healing workflows in cyber-physical systems20.372017
Interaktive Customer Experience mit mobilen und öffentlichen Systemen im stationären Handel.10.402017
Lessons Learned On The Design Of Several Tools For Participation On Foot00.342017
Using Semantic Queries to Enable Dynamic Service Invocation for Processes in the Internet of Things100.582016
Model based and service oriented interaction for ubiquitous environments.10.342016
An interactive mobile control center for cyber-physical systems.00.342016
Device-based interactions for anonymous voting and rating with mobile devices in collaborative scenarios.00.342016
Goal-Based Semantic Queries For Dynamic Processes In The Internet Of Things20.372016
A context-adaptive workflow engine for humans, things and services.20.372016
Natural Voting Interactions for Collaborative Work with Mobile Devices.30.392016
A Time-location-Based Itinerary Visualization.00.342015
Modelling complex and flexible processes for smart cyber-physical environments261.102015
Model-based interactive ubiquitous systems (MODIQUITOUS)00.342015
A Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Interaction Concepts.00.342015
PROtEUS: An Integrated System for Process Execution in Cyber-Physical Systems100.582015
A feasibility study of context-adaptive visualizations in public transport information systems00.342014
Per-Fragment Image-based Flow Visualization using Interactive Surface Extraction from Unstructured Grids.00.342014
ICT for sustainability in industry.00.342014
A distributed execution environment enabling resilient processes for ubiquitous systems40.422014
A Resilient Interaction Concept for Process Management on Tabletops for Cyber-Physical Systems00.342014
A Framework for Controlling Robots via Brain-Computer Interfaces.00.342014
Full-Body Interaction for the Elderly in Trade Fair Environments.00.342014
Potenziale mobiler Endgeräte für die Nutzung im kollaborativen Lernen.00.342014
Introducing The Public Transport Domain To The Web Of Data00.342014
An interaction concept for public displays and mobile devices in public transport20.422013
Model-based interactive ubiquitous systems10.342012
Mobile Reisebegleitung mit NFC-Unterstützung.00.342012
Migration und Anpassung von Benutzeroberflächen für Touchscreens.00.342012
Original Article: Management of interactive business processes in decentralized service infrastructures through event processing30.402012
Management of interactive business processes in decentralized service infrastructures through event processing20.472012
On Modeling a Social Networking Service Description.10.482011
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