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Non-Fragile Asynchronous State Estimation For Markovian Switching Cvns With Partly Accessible Mode Detection: The Discrete-Time Case00.342022
Ge Ring Modulator Based on Carrier-injection Phaser Shifter Operating at Two Micrometer Band.00.342021
Combined Application of Hash, Public Key and Blockchain Technology in Electronic Money Transactions.00.342021
A Hybrid Resource Allocation Method for URLLC Based on NOMA.00.342021
A Hardware Efficient Approximate Shift Multiplier with High Accuracy.00.342021
Intelligent Detection Method for Offline Dynamic Balance of Flexible Rotor**Resrach supported by National Natural Science Fund of China.00.342021
Disease Correlation Enhanced Attention Network for ICD Coding.00.342021
Sum Rate Optimization for IRS-Aided Two-Way AF Relay Systems.00.342021
CC-DenseUNet - Densely Connected U-Net with Criss-Cross Attention for Liver and Tumor Segmentation in CT Volumes.00.342021
Monolithic Germanium PIN Waveguide Photodetector Operating at 2 µm Wavelengths.00.342020
Developing a Framework for Smart City Planning in China - an Action Research Approach.00.342020
Mixed 2D/3D Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution.30.372020
基于Client Puzzle的公有链接入控制模型 (Client Puzzle Based Access Control Model in Public Blockchain).00.342019
An Efficient Clustering Method for Hyperspectral Optimal Band Selection via Shared Nearest Neighbor.20.362019
基于仿真的合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像算法验证 (Validation of Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) Imaging Algorithm Based on Simulation).00.342019
StyleRemix: An Interpretable Representation for Neural Image Style Transfer.00.342019
基于K-medoids的改进PBFT共识机制 (Improved PBFT Consensus Mechanism Based on K-medoids).00.342019
Interpretation Technology of the Risk Causes of Management Based on Eigenvalue Disturbance.00.342019
Security Enhancement and QoS Provisioning for NOMA-Based Cooperative D2D Networks10.352019
基于区块链的对等网络信任模型 (Trust Model for P2P Based on Blockchain).00.342019
基于高阶π演算的构件演化行为研究 (Research on Component Evolving Behavior Based on High-order π Calculus).00.342018
Computer-aided diagnosis of lung carcinoma using deep learning - a pilot study.00.342018
Walking Customers from Business to Friend Relationships - A Dynamic Process Approach in a Live Chat Context.00.342018
Accurate Nanopower Supply-Insensitive CMOS Unit Vth Extractor and αVth Extractor with Continuous Variety.00.342017
An Improved Method to Unveil Malware's Hidden Behavior.00.342017
A 3.5ppm/°C 0.85V Bandgap Reference Circuit without Resistors.00.342016
基于混合双层模型的DHT网络路由表快照算法 (Hybrid Method for Capturing Snapshot of Routing Table of DHT Networks).00.342015
A Novel Central Voltage-Control Strategy for Smart LV Distribution Networks.00.342015
GPU-Memory Coordinated Energy Saving Approach Based on Extreme Learning Machine00.342015
规则实例集上警示传播算法的收敛性 (Convergence of Warning Propagation Algorithm for Regular Structure Instances).00.342015
Quantitative model verification in VANET based on interval probabilistic timed automata00.342014
Local Metric Learning for Exemplar-Based Object Detection.340.932014
Near optimal allocation strategy for making a staged evacuation plan with multiple exits.10.402014
Fast Filtering Techniques in Medical Image Classification and Retrieval.20.512013
Facilitating Experience Sharing in Groups - Collaborative Trace Reuse and Exploitation.90.672012
Research on Spindle Bearings State Recognition of CNC Milling Machine Based on Noise Monitoring00.342011
An Implementation Scheme of Electronic Aircraft Maintenance Card Based on Network00.342011
Research of end effects in Hilbert-Huang transform based on genetic algorithm and support vector machine10.372010
Statistics of natural image sequences: temporal motion smoothness by local phase correlations50.692009
Duplicated RNA genes in teleost fish genomes.10.362008
A fully integrated SOC for 802.11b in 0.18-μm CMOS00.342005
A Comparison of FPGA Implementations of Bit-Level and Word-Level Matrix Multipliers20.442000
The Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI)222.001996
Two-Tier Paging and Its Performance Analysis for Network-based Distributed Shared Memory Systems.00.341995
A transputer T9000 family based architecture for parallel database machines00.341993
An improved multiple-path deadlock-free routing algorithm in binary hypercubes00.341992
The design of a multi-microprocessor based simulation computer - III.10.671984