Department of Mathematical Engineering, Center for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Université catholique de Louvain, Avenue George Lemaítre, 4 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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Clean up or mess up: the effect of sampling biases on measurements of degree distributions in mobile phone datasets.00.342016
Modelling Influence And Opinion Evolution In Online Collective Behaviour30.502015
Markov modeling of Twitter tweet inter-arrival times.00.342015
On The Use Of Human Mobility Proxies For Modeling Epidemics291.902014
How to Decide Consensus? A Combinatorial Necessary and Sufficient Condition and a Proof that Consensus is Decidable but NP-Hard.80.572014
D4D-Senegal: The Second Mobile Phone Data for Development Challenge.241.402014
Career On The Move: Geography, Stratification, And Scientific Impact250.972014
Estimating Food Consumption and Poverty Indices with Mobile Phone Data.30.502014
Evaluating socio-economic state of a country analyzing airtime credit and mobile phone datasets.90.762013
Bursts Of Vertex Activation And Epidemics In Evolving Networks70.562013
An experimental study of approximation algorithms for the joint spectral radius10.372013
On Primitivity of Sets of Matrices.20.382013
Flow Motifs Reveal Limitations of the Static Framework to Represent Human interactions10.352013
Explicit Solutions for Root Optimization of a Polynomial Family With One Affine Constraint.30.782012
Data for Development: the D4D Challenge on Mobile Phone Data592.792012
Bursts Of Vertex Activation And Epidemics In Evolving Networks100.672012
Exploring the Mobility of Mobile Phone Users201.232012
Effects of time window size and placement on the structure of aggregated networks361.422012
Cramér-Rao bounds for synchronization of rotations230.962012
The interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions - an initial study using mobile phone data10.462011
Extracting spatial information from networks with low-order eigenvectors50.482011
An upper bound on community size in scalable community detection20.492011
Fast computation of minimal elementary decompositions of metabolic flux vectors20.432011
Beyond Space For Spatial Networks30.502010
Continuous-Time Average-Preserving Opinion Dynamics with Opinion-Dependent Communications552.752010
The continuous Skolem-Pisot problem171.912010
Joint Spectral Characteristics of Matrices: A Conic Programming Approach281.372010
Pagerank optimization in polynomial time by stochastic shortest path reformulation80.692010
PageRank optimization by edge selection.160.712009
On Krause's Multi-Agent Consensus Model With State-Dependent Connectivity362.342009
Scaling Behaviors in the Communication Network between Cities50.662009
On the number of alpha-power-free binary words for 2alpha<=7/350.632009
Polynomial-Time Computation of the Joint Spectral Radius for Some Sets of Nonnegative Matrices60.602009
Fast unfolding of community hierarchies in large networks767.242008
Formation Reorganization by Primitive Operations on Directed Graphs30.602008
On Krause's consensus formation model with state-dependent connectivity81.042008
Computing the growth of the number of overlap-free words with spectra of matrices20.412008
Descent methods for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization231.272008
Overlap-free words and spectra of matrices90.752007
Observable graphs30.442007
Linear time algorithms for Clobber00.342007
Three and higher dimensional autonomous formations: Rigidity, persistence and structural persistence656.242007
Efficient algorithms for deciding the type of growth of products of integer matrices191.612006
Primitive operations for the construction and reorganization of minimally persistent formations61.072006
Complexity of Control on Finite Automata20.402006
Computationally Efficient Approximations of the Joint Spectral Radius413.372005
Decidable and Undecidable Problems about Quantum Automata331.512005
Convergence In Multiagent Coordination, Consensus, And Flocking32736.762005
Computational universality in symbolic dynamical systems40.512004
Fault Tolerant Control: A Simultaneous Stabilization Result332.692004
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