Algorithmische Bioinformatik, Institut für Informatik, Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin, Germany
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Needle: a fast and space-efficient prefilter for estimating the quantification of very large collections of expression experiments00.342022
Co-Design for Energy Efficient and Fast Genomic Search: Interleaved Bloom Filter on FPGA00.342022
The Collaborative Research Center FONDA.00.342021
PriSeT: efficient de novo primer discovery00.342021
Score: Smart Consensus Of Rna Expression-A Consensus Tool For Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes In Bacteria00.342021
GenMap: Ultra-fast Computation of Genome Mappability.10.352020
Ranbow: A fast and accurate method for polyploid haplotype reconstruction.00.342020
ganon: precise metagenomics classification against large and up-to-date sets of reference sequences.00.342020
DREAM-Yara: an exact read mapper for very large databases with short update time.00.342018
Generic accelerated sequence alignment in SeqAn using vectorization and multi-threading.10.412018
Epr-Dictionaries: A Practical And Fast Data Structure For Constant Time Searches In Unidirectional And Bidirectional Fm Indices00.342017
Vaquita: Fast and Accurate Identification of Structural Variation Using Combined Evidence.00.342017
Flexbar 3.0 - SIMD and multicore parallelization.10.352017
FAMOUS: Fast Approximate string Matching using OptimUm search Schemes.00.342017
From the desktop to the grid: scalable bioinformatics via workflow conversion.50.432016
Next Generation Sequencing (Dagstuhl Seminar 16351).00.342016
Constant-time and space-efficient unidirectional and bidirectional FM-indices using EPR-dictionaries.10.362016
CIDANE: Comprehensive Isoform Discovery and Abundance Estimation.10.372015
LocalAli: an evolutionary-based local alignment approach to identify functionally conserved modules in multiple networks.20.372015
Gustaf: Detecting and correctly classifying SVs in the NGS twilight zone.80.642014
NetCoffee: a fast and accurate global alignment approach to identify functionally conserved proteins in multiple networks.210.702014
Journaled string tree-a scalable data structure for analyzing thousands of similar genomes on your laptop.50.472014
Fiona: a parallel and automatic strategy for read error correction.170.792014
Lambda: the local aligner for massive biological data.80.532014
Genome alignment with graph data structures: a comparison.90.452014
From the Desktop to the Grid: conversion of KNIME Workflows to gUSE.10.362013
The duplication-loss small phylogeny problem: from cherries to trees.10.372013
Optimal precursor ion selection for LC-MALDI MS/MS.60.442013
Scalable string similarity search/join with approximate seeds and multiple backtracking10.342013
PPINGUIN: Peptide Profiling Guided Identification of Proteins improves quantitation of iTRAQ ratios.50.392012
Hidden breakpoints in genome alignments10.362012
Fast and sensitive read mapping with approximate seeds and multiple backtracking00.342012
RazerS 3: faster, fully sensitive read mapping.150.892012
Detecting genomic indel variants with exact breakpoints in single- and paired-end sequencing data using SplazerS.70.652012
Antilope—A Lagrangian Relaxation Approach to the de novo Peptide Sequencing Problem50.462011
Biomarker discovery and redundancy reduction towards classification using a multi-factorial MALDI-TOF MS T2DM mouse model dataset.80.342011
STELLAR: fast and exact local alignments.160.572011
A novel and well-defined benchmarking method for second generation read mapping.270.992011
MicroRazerS: rapid alignment of small RNA reads.50.542010
Oops I Did It Again..... Sustainability In Sequence Analysis Via Software Libraries00.342010
Statistical quality assessment and outlier detection for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry experiments.50.472009
A consistency-based consensus algorithm for de novo and reference-guided sequence assembly of short reads.80.612009
Integer Linear Programming in Computational Biology30.422009
Fast Structural Alignment Of Biomolecules Using A Hash Table, N-Grams And String Descriptors160.802009
Computational quantification of peptides from LC-MS data.40.522008
Robust consensus computation270.382008
08101 Abstracts Collection - Computational Proteomics.00.342008
OpenMS - an open-source software framework for mass spectrometry.904.762008
LC-MSsim--a simulation software for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry data.380.952008
Fast and Adaptive Variable Order Markov Chain Construction90.492008
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