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WE-HML: hybrid WCET estimation using machine learning for architectures with caches00.342021
Guest editorial: special issue on the Real-Time Systems Symposium 201700.342019
A time-predictable branch predictor.00.342019
Hiding Communication Delays in Contention-Free Execution for SPM-Based Multi-Core Architectures.00.342019
Reconciling Compiler Optimizations and WCET Estimation Using Iterative Compilation00.342019
Cache-conscious off-line real-time scheduling for multi-core platforms: algorithms and implementation10.352019
Impact of DM-LRU on WCET - A Static Analysis Approach.00.342019
Fine-Grain Iterative Compilation for WCET Estimation.00.342018
Quantifying Wcet Reduction Of Parallel Applications By Introducing Slack Time To Limit Resource Contention50.422017
WCET-aware parallelization of model-based applications for multi-cores: The ARGO approach.20.392017
The Heptane Static Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation Tool.20.392017
Cache-Conscious Offline Real-Time Task Scheduling for Multi-Core Processors.00.342017
STR2RTS: Refactored StreamIT Benchmarks into Statically Analyzable Parallel Benchmarks for WCET Estimation & Real-Time Scheduling.00.342017
Tightening Contention Delays While Scheduling Parallel Applications on Multi-core Architectures.140.652017
State of the Journal00.342017
The W-SEPT Project: Towards Semantic-Aware WCET Estimation.10.342017
Cache-Persistence-Aware Response-Time Analysis for Fixed-Priority Preemptive Systems10.352016
Probabilistic WCET estimation in presence of hardware for mitigating the impact of permanent faults.40.382016
Speeding Up Static Probabilistic Timing Analysis10.342015
Tracing Flow Information for Tighter WCET Estimation: Application to Vectorization00.342015
A Formally Verified WCET Estimation Tool.20.362014
Traceability of Flow Information: Reconciling Compiler Optimizations and WCET Estimation70.492014
Static probabilistic worst case execution time estimation for architectures with faulty instruction caches90.472013
Integrated Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation of Multicore Applications.130.552013
An improved preemption delay upper bound for floating non-preemptive region00.342012
PDPA: period driven task and cache partitioning algorithm for multi-core systems60.462012
PRETI: partitioned real-time shared cache for mixed-criticality real-time systems150.582012
Preemption delay analysis for floating non-preemptive region scheduling80.532012
Predictable Binary Code Cache: A First Step towards Reconciling Predictability and Just-in-Time Compilation10.352011
WCET analysis of instruction cache hierarchies60.462011
Scalable Fixed-Point Free Instruction Cache Analysis00.342011
Guest editorial: special issue of the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2009)00.342010
WCET Analysis of Multi-Level Set-Associative Data Caches160.922009
Using Bypass to Tighten WCET Estimates for Multi-Core Processors with Shared Instruction Caches441.862009
Predictable Code and Data Paging for Real Time Systems80.552008
WCET analysis of multi-level set-associative instruction caches10.352008
WCET Analysis of Multi-level Non-inclusive Set-Associative Instruction Caches481.732008
The worst-case execution-time problem—overview of methods and survey of tools84027.492008
Scratchpad memories vs locked caches in hard real-time systems: a quantitative comparison782.832007
WCET-Directed Dynamic Scratchpad Memory Allocation of Data561.562007
Predictable Paging in Real-Time Systems: A Compiler Approach110.702007
WCET-Centric Software-controlled Instruction Caches for Hard Real-Time Systems502.312006
A WCET-Oriented Static Branch Prediction Scheme for Real Time Systems170.892005
RTSS 2003 Organizing Committee00.342005
Safe measurement-based WCET estimation110.682005
Static Determination of Probabilistic Execution Times361.252004
Calcul de majorants de pire temps d'exécution : état de l'art10.392003
Impact of Automatic Gain Time Identification on Tree-Based Static WCET Analysis10.362003
Low-Complexity Algorithms for Static Cache Locking in Multitasking Hard Real-Time Systems884.352002
Real-Time Performance of Dynamic Memory Allocation Algorithms130.862002
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