Univ Trent, Dept Informat & Commun Technol, I-38050 Trento, Italy
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Quantum SVR for Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation in Water With Remote Sensing00.342022
A Novel SVM-Based Decoder for Remote Sensing Image Captioning00.342022
Bi-Modal Transformer-Based Approach for Visual Question Answering in Remote Sensing Imagery00.342022
Change Captioning: A New Paradigm for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Analysis00.342022
Multilanguage Transformer for Improved Text to Remote Sensing Image Retrieval.00.342022
Classification between upper and lower motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients by electromyographic processing and analysis00.342021
A deep neural network approach to QRS detection using autoencoders00.342021
Vision System for Automatic On-Tree Kiwifruit Counting and Yield Estimation.00.342020
Smart Grid Resources Allocation Using Smart Genetic Heuristic00.342020
New fusion and selection approaches for estimating the remaining useful life using Gaussian process regression and induced ordered weighted averaging operators00.342020
Feature selection algorithm based on PDF/PMF area difference.00.342020
CSVM Architectures for Pixel-Wise Object Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images00.342020
Towards Automatic Extraction and Updating of VGI-Based Road Networks Using Deep Learning00.342019
Capsule Networks for Object Detection in UAV Imagery.00.342019
Retro-Remote Sensing: Generating Images From Ancient Texts00.342019
Indoor object recognition in RGBD images with complex-valued neural networks for visually-impaired people.00.342019
High-Coverage Satellite-Based Coastal Bathymetry through a Fusion of Physical and Learning Methods.00.342019
Convolutional SVM Networks for Object Detection in UAV Imagery.70.582018
Multilabel Conditional Random Field Classification for UAV Images.20.362018
Reconstructing Cloud-Contaminated Multispectral Images With Contextualized Autoencoder Neural Networks.10.372018
A Deep Learning Approach to UAV Image Multilabeling.80.512017
Real-Time Indoor Scene Description for the Visually Impaired Using Autoencoder Fusion Strategies with Visible Cameras.10.372017
Fast indoor scene description for blind people with multiresolution random projections.30.452017
Domain Adaptation Network for Cross-Scene Classification.30.372017
A Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Assisting Avalanche Search and Rescue Operations with UAV Imagery.160.832017
Multilabeling UAV images with Autoencoder networks00.342017
Wave Period and Coastal Bathymetry Using Wave Propagation on Optical Images.20.602016
Convolutional Neural Networks For Near Real-Time Object Detection From Uav Imagery In Avalanche Search And Rescue Operations10.402016
Three-Layer Convex Network for Domain Adaptation in Multitemporal VHR Images.20.362016
Multilabel Classification Of Uav Images With Convolutional Neural Networks00.342016
Adaptive Wave Tracing For Coastal Bathymetry Estimation00.342016
Deep learning approach for active classification of electrocardiogram signals.802.162016
Recovering the sight to blind people in indoor environments with smart technologies130.942016
Fusion of Extreme Learning Machine and Graph-Based Optimization Methods for Active Classification of Remote Sensing Images160.682015
Genetic algorithm-based method for mitigating label noise issue in ECG signal classification.90.472015
Lbp-Based Multiclass Classification Method For Uav Imagery10.392015
Classification of AAMI heartbeat classes with an interactive ELM ensemble learning approach.10.362015
Multiclass Coarse Analysis for UAV Imagery60.542015
Land-Use Classification With Compressive Sensing Multifeature Fusion160.582015
Toward an assisted indoor scene perception for blind people with image multilabeling strategies70.482015
Efficient Framework for Palm Tree Detection in UAV Images120.972014
Detecting Cars in UAV Images With a Catalog-Based Approach.361.372014
Robust Estimation of Water Chlorophyll Concentrations With Gaussian Process Regression and IOWA Aggregation Operators60.512014
Detection of premature ventricular contraction arrhythmias in electrocardiogram signals with kernel methods.110.552014
Automatic Car Counting Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images462.092014
Monitoring structural damages in big industrial plants with UAV images10.412014
Large-Scale Image Classification Using Active Learning.60.462014
Adaptive basis pursuit compressive sensing reconstruction with histogram matching00.342013
Assessing the Reconstructability of Shadow Areas in VHR Images00.342013
Using OWA Fusion Operators for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images70.512013
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