Univ Penn, GRASP Lab, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
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NMPC-LBF: Nonlinear MPC with Learned Barrier Function for Decentralized Safe Navigation of Multiple Robots in Unknown Environments.00.342022
Joint Communication and Motion Planning for Cobots00.342022
Risk-Bounded Control Using Stochastic Barrier Functions10.402021
Safe Navigation in Human Occupied Environments Using Sampling and Control Barrier Functions00.342021
PerceMon: Online Monitoring for Perception Systems00.342021
Towards assurance case evidence generation through search based testing: work-in-progress00.342021
Efficient Optimization-Based Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems with Multiple Conjunctive Requirements10.362021
Requirements-driven Test Generation for Autonomous Vehicles with Machine Learning Components90.592020
Search-based Test-Case Generation by Monitoring Responsibility Safety Rules00.342020
Worst-case Satisfaction of STL Specifications Using Feedforward Neural Network Controllers: A Lagrange Multipliers Approach00.342020
DeepCrashTest: Turning Dashcam Videos into Virtual Crash Tests for Automated Driving Systems00.342020
TLTk - A Toolbox for Parallel Robustness Computation of Temporal Logic Specifications.10.362020
Training Neural Network Controllers Using Control Barrier Functions in the Presence of Disturbances00.342020
Encoding and monitoring responsibility sensitive safety rules for automated vehicles in signal temporal logic10.372019
Model Checking Clinical Decision Support Systems Using SMT.00.342019
Specifying And Evaluating Quality Metrics For Vision-Based Perception Systems00.342019
Gray-box Adversarial Testing for Control Systems with Machine Learning Component.40.402019
Worst-case Satisfaction of STL Specifications Using Feedforward Neural Network Controllers: A Lagrange Multipliers Approach00.342019
Rapidly-exploring Random Trees-based Test Generation for Autonomous Vehicles.00.342019
Task Scheduling with Nonlinear Costs using SMT Solvers00.342019
Optimal Multi-Valued Ltl Planning For Systems With Access Right Levels00.342018
Falsification of Temporal Logic Requirements Using Gradient Based Local Search in Space and Time.20.372018
Formal Requirement Debugging for Testing and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems.20.382018
Experience Report: Application of Falsification Methods on the UxAS System.10.352018
Continuous simulation Optimization with Model mismatch using Gaussian Process Regression.00.342018
Simulation-based Adversarial Test Generation for Autonomous Vehicles with Machine Learning Components.70.482018
Local Descent For Temporal Logic Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems (Extended Technical Report).00.342018
Sim-ATAV: Simulation-Based Adversarial Testing Framework for Autonomous Vehicles.10.352018
Model-based falsification of an artificial pancreas control system.80.462017
Functional Gradient Descent Optimization For Automatic Test Case Generation For Vehicle Controllers10.402017
Hybrid approximate gradient and stochastic descent for falsification of nonlinear systems40.392017
ARCH-COMP17 Category Report: Preliminary Results on the Falsification Benchmarks.00.342017
Temporal Logic Control Under Incomplete Or Conflicting Information00.342017
Vacuity Aware Falsification For Mtl Request-Response Specifications10.352017
Planning in Dynamic Environments Through Temporal Logic Monitoring.20.382016
Modeling Concurrency and Reconfiguration in Vehicular Systems: A $π$-calculus Approach.00.342016
Traffic light status detection using movement patterns of vehicles00.342016
Automatic Parallelization of Multirate Block Diagrams of Control Systems on Multicore Platforms.10.352016
Utilizing S-Taliro As An Automatic Test Generation Framework For Autonomous Vehicles10.352016
Modeling concurrency and reconfiguration in vehicular systems: A π-calculus approach20.412016
Formal Requirement Elicitation and Debugging for Testing and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems.00.342016
Extended LTLvis Motion Planning interface (Extended Technical Report).00.342016
DisCoF<sup>+</sup>: Asynchronous DisCoF with flexible decoupling for cooperative pathfinding in distributed systems10.362015
Towards A Verified Artificial Pancreas: Challenges And Solutions For Runtime Verification90.532015
DisCoF: Cooperative Pathfinding in Distributed Systems with Limited Sensing and Communication Range20.382014
Conformance Testing as Falsification for Cyber-Physical Systems.50.462014
Verification of automotive control applications using S-TaLiRo281.212012
A model-based approach to synthesizing insulin infusion pump usage parameters for diabetic patients80.512012
Approximate solutions for the minimal revision problem of specification automata90.552012
Linear Hybrid System Falsification Through Descent40.462011
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