Kyung Hee Univ, Dept Ind & Management Syst Engn, Yongin, South Korea
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SAX-ARM: Deviant event pattern discovery from multivariate time series using symbolic aggregate approximation and association rule mining.20.362020
Developing a Production Scheduling System for Modular Factory Using Constraint Programming.00.342019
InfoFlow: Mining Information Flow Based on User Community in Social Networking Services.00.342019
RuleCOSI: Combination and simplification of production rules from boosted decision trees for imbalanced classification.20.362019
Imbalanced Classification Of Manufacturing Quality Conditions Using Cost-Sensitive Decision Tree Ensembles20.372018
LiReD: A Light-Weight Real-Time Fault Detection System for Edge Computing Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks.40.652018
An architecture for emergency event prediction using LSTM recurrent neural networks.80.492018
Application of a process mining technique to identifying information navigation characteristics of human operators working in a digital main control room - feasibility study.10.382018
Urban Zone Discovery From Smart Card-Based Transit Logs00.342017
Flow Orientation Analysis for Major Activity Regions Based on Smart Card Transit Data.00.342017
Decision Mining in a Broader Context: An Overview of the Current Landscape and Future Directions.00.342016
i -RM: An intelligent risk management framework for context-aware ubiquitous cold chain logistics10.402016
The use of a process mining technique to characterize the work process of main control room crews: A feasibility study.20.402016
Discovering Information Diffusion Processes Based on Hidden Markov Models for Social Network Services00.342015
COSMOS: cloud enabled NGS analysis.10.372015
Constructing Probabilistic Process Models Based on Hidden Markov Models for Resource Allocation.10.372014
COSMOS: Python library for massively parallel workflows.90.942014
A literature search tool for intelligent extraction of disease-associated genes.30.402014
An analysis on movement patterns between zones using smart card data in subway networks130.792014
Dynamic task assignment and resource management in cloud services by using bargaining solution40.422014
Language independent semantic kernels for short-text classification190.712014
Analyzing Information Flow And Context For Facebook Fan Pages10.372014
Constructing Decision Trees from Process Logs for Performer Recommendation.110.672013
Context-Aware Dynamic Event Processing Using Event Pattern Templates30.432013
DTMiner: A Tool for Decision Making Based on Historical Process Data.10.352013
Revenue Maximizing Itemset Construction For Online Shopping Services50.532013
Roundup 2.0: enabling comparative genomics for over 1800 genomes.60.492012
Discovery Of Information Diffusion Process In Social Networks20.412012
Resource Management for Scalable Video Using Adaptive Bargaining Solution.00.342011
Phylogenetically informed logic relationships improve detection of biological network organization.20.432011
An entropy-based uncertainty measure of process models120.812011
Detecting biological network organization and functional gene orthologs.10.472011
FlowWiki: A wiki based platform for ad hoc collaborative workflows60.492011
Real-Time Business Process Monitoring Using Formal Concept Analysis50.442011
edUFlow: An Event-Driven Ubiquitous Flow Management System.20.362011
Dynamic Service Discrimination Strategy Development using Game Theory00.342010
Development of Ontology Map for Knowledge Management System00.342010
Rule-Based Ad-Hoc Workflow Modeling For Service Coordination: A Case Study Of A Telecom Operational Support System00.342010
A Cross-Layer Approach to Fair Resource Allocation for Multimedia Service in WiMAX.10.362010
An analytical model for delivery evaluation of multimodal contents in pervasive computing00.342010
Complex Sensor Event Processing For Business Process Integration20.382010
Generating Rule-Based Executable Process Models for Service Outsourcing00.342009
Functionally informative tag SNP selection using a pareto-optimal approach: playing the game of life170.442009
Exploring the Relationship between Keywords and Feed Elements in Blog Post Search100.492009
Evolving an autonomous agent for non-Markovian reinforcement learning10.382009
Event-driven service coordination for business process integration in ubiquitous enterprises190.662009
Hierarchical Business Process Clustering120.732008
A Hierarchical Ensemble Model For Automated Assessment Of Stroke Impairment30.482008
Nested evolution of an autonomous agent using descriptive encoding10.362008
Feature selection and classification for assessment of chronic stroke impairment10.372008
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