Indiana Univ, Dept Comp Sci, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
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An Analysis of Throughput and Latency Behaviours Under Microservice Decomposition.00.342020
A use case centric survey of Blockchain: status quo and future directions.00.342019
Sales forecasting using multivariate long short term memory network models.00.342019
Anomaly Detection in High-Performance API Gateways.00.342019
ADAPT-T: An Adaptive Algorithm for Auto-Tuning Worker Thread Pool Size in Application Servers00.342019
An Analysis of Holistic Tail Latency Behaviors of Java Microservices.00.342019
Recent Advancements in Event Processing.50.442018
Bringing Middleware to Everyday Programmers with Ballerina.10.352018
Scalable Complex Event Processing on a Notebook: Demo.10.352017
Solution Recommender for System Failure Recovery via Log Event Pattern Matching on a Knowledge Graph: Demo.10.342017
Anomaly Detection of Manufacturing Equipment via High Performance RDF Data Stream Processing: Grand Challenge.00.342017
An ORM Based Context Model for Context-Aware Computing.00.342016
Continuous analytics on graph data streams using WSO2 complex event processor.10.352016
Continuous analytics on geospatial data streams with WSO2 complex event processor20.362015
Wihidum: Distributed complex event processing.130.582015
A Complex Event Processing Toolkit for Detecting Technical Chart Patterns40.472015
Accelerating Complex Event Processing through GPUs.10.352015
Solution patterns for realtime streaming analytics80.532015
Solving the grand challenge using an opensource CEP engine70.522014
Qos Aware Load Balancing In Multi-Tenant Cloud Environments00.342013
GajaNindu: A Distributed System Management Framework with User-Defined Management Logic10.482013
Improved Server Architecture for Highly Efficient Message Mediation00.342013
Cloud Services Gateway: A Tool for Exposing Private Services to the Public Cloud with Fine-grained Control10.362012
Product-cost modelling approach for the development of a decision support system for optimal roofing material selection30.632012
A Scalable Multi-Tenant Architecture for Business Process Executions100.542012
Andes: A Highly Scalable Persistent Messaging System10.422012
Editorial - Innovation In Construction E-Business00.342011
Apache airavata: a framework for distributed applications and computational workflows473.132011
Wso2 Stratos: An Application Stack To Support Cloud Computing50.572011
A Multi-tenant Architecture for Business Process Executions291.152011
Analysis Of The Use Of E-Procuremnt In The Public And Private Sectors Of The Uk Construction Industry20.442011
Siddhi: a second look at complex event processing architectures423.112011
A cross-discipline comparison of rankings for e-procurement drivers and barriers within UK construction organisations.00.342010
Mooshabaya: mashup generator for XBaya10.362010
Carbon: towards a server building framework for SOA platform.40.622010
BISSA: empowering web-gadget communication with tuple spaces00.342010
Identification Of E-Procurement Drivers And Barriers For Uk Construction Organisations And Ranking Of These From The Perspective Of Quantity Surveyors20.462010
Multi-tenant SOA Middleware for Cloud Computing622.462010
Towards Improved Data Dissemination of Publish-Subscribe Systems30.562010
Application of Management Frameworks to Manage Workflow-Based Systems: A Case Study on a Large Scale E-science Project30.542009
Enforcing User-Defined Management Logic in Large Scale Systems70.822009
A Decision Support Model For The Selection Of Best Value Information Technology Procurement Method00.342008
Monitoring and Managing E-Science Cyber-Infrastructures: A Case Study10.382008
Open Grid Computing Environment's Workflow Suite for E-Science Projects10.372008
Drivers And Barriers To Public Sector E-Procurement Within Northern Ireland'S Construction Industry50.592007
Axis2, Middleware for Next Generation Web Services261.792006
Building e-Science Portals: A Service Oriented Architecture.00.342006
A hierarchical case representation using context guided retrieval110.841998
Case-based design: A review and analysis of building design applications171.411997
Nirmani: An Integrated Case-Based System for Strategic Design and Estimating40.471995