Sun Microsyst Inc, 901 San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA
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Qos-Aware Simulation Job Scheduling Algorithm In Virtualized Cloud Environment00.342020
The Gray-Box Based Modeling Approach Integrating Both Mechanism-Model and Data-Model: The Case of Atmospheric Contaminant Dispersion10.432020
A Two-Tier Partition Algorithm for the Optimization of the Large-Scale Simulation of Information Diffusion in Social Networks.00.342020
Geographical Structural Features of the WeChat Social Networks.00.342020
Data Driven Spatio-Info Network Modeling And Evolution With Population And Economy00.342019
Evolution Model of Spatial Interaction Network in Online Social Networking Services00.342019
A Spatio-Temporal Flow Model of Urban Dockless Shared Bikes Based on Points of Interest Clustering.00.342019
The Influence of Geographic Factors on Information Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks in China: Evidence from WeChat.00.342018
Design and Implementation of Information Dissemination Simulation Algorithm in Large-Scale Complex Network Based on Spark00.342018
Bandwidth-Guaranteed Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Parallel Jobs in Cloud Data Center.00.342018
QoS-aware parallel job scheduling framework for simulation execution as a service.00.342017
Agent-Based Modeling Of Emergency Evacuation In A Railway Station Square Under Sarin Terrorist Attack10.372017
Modeling of political web pages spreading in WeChat networks10.412017
Real-time data driven simulation of air contaminant dispersion using particle filter and UAV sensory system.00.342017
Agent-based simulation systems for emergency management10.352016
Optimization for Accelerating Large Scale Agent Based Simulation.00.342016
Statistical Analysis And Modeling Of Residential Buildings For Artificial Beijing Reconstruction00.342016
Agent-based Modeling of Large-scale Complex Social Interactions00.342015
Mathematical and computational approaches to epidemic modeling: a comprehensive review30.532015
An opinion interactive model based on individual persuasiveness10.362015
A meta-modeling framework for a specific social domain: Public opinion event.00.342015
Accelerating Large Scale Artificial Society Simulation with CPU/GPU Based Heterogeneous Parallel Method.00.342015
A Framework for Generating Geospatial Social Computing Environments70.532015
The large scale machine learning in an artificial society: prediction of the Ebola outbreak in Beijing30.432015
Virtual city: An individual-based digital environment for human mobility and interactive behavior40.482014
Individual Decision Making Can Drive Epidemics: A Fuzzy Cognitive Map Study50.432014
Heterogeneous and Stochastic Agent-Based Models for Analyzing Infectious Diseases' Super Spreaders50.422013
An ACP Approach to Public Health Emergency Management: Using a Campus Outbreak of H1N1 Influenza as a Case Study50.562013
Parallel Simulation Of Large-Scale Artificial Society With Gpu As Coprocessor10.372013
Technological Challenges in Emergency Response10.372013
A framework of multilayer social networks for communication behavior with agent-based modeling60.602013
Cloud-based computer simulation: Towards planting existing simulation software into the cloud.120.622012
Cloud-Based Simulation: The State-of-the-Art Computer Simulation Paradigm130.742012
Backfilling under Two-tier Virtual Machines30.422012
Fostering artificial societies using social learning and social control in parallel emergency management systems.10.342012
Modeling and simulation for the spread of H1N1 influenza in school using artificial societies10.342011
A Game-Engine-Based Platform for Modeling and Computing Artificial Transportation Systems120.982011
Management and Control Techniques for Distributed Simulation System10.432010
The Synonym Lookaside Buffer: A Solution to the Synonym Problem in Virtual Caches80.512008
Moving Address Translation Closer to Memory in Distributed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors100.582005
Tolerating Late Memory Traps in Dynamically Scheduled Processors40.802004
Towards Virtually-Addressed Memory Hierarchies160.772001
Tolerating late memory traps in ILP processors110.791999
Options for dynamic address translation in COMAs120.991998