Univ Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
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Preface: The modeling and simulation of complex systems00.342021
Traditional Versus Fast Fashion Supply Chains In The Apparel Industry: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach00.342021
Cooperation Between Performance and Innovation Engine - An Exploratory Study of Digital Innovation Labs in Family Business.00.342020
The Early-stage Development of two-Sided Digital Platforms - a simulation Approach.00.342018
Emerging and innovative OR applications: a special issue in honor of Walter J. Gutjahr.00.342018
Stakes or garlic? Studying the emergence of dominant designs through an agent-based model of a vampire economy.10.352018
Fighting Fair? Evaluating Negative Campaigning with an Agent-Based Simulation.00.342018
Platform Launch Strategies.10.342018
Management science in the era of smart consumer products: challenges and research perspectives.40.552017
Web accessibility implementation in private sector organizations: Motivations and business impact30.412016
Simulating the Diffusion of Competing Multi-generation Technologies: An Agent-Based Model and Its Application to the Consumer Computer Market in Germany00.342016
From Web Analytics to Product Analytics: The Internet of Things as a New Data Source for Enterprise Information Systems.00.342016
Integrating attacker behavior in IT security analysis: a discrete-event simulation approach40.512015
Innovation diffusion of repeat purchase products in a competitive market: An agent-based simulation approach.130.762015
Finding partners for complex system innovations through a trans-sectoral 'matchmaking platform'.20.392015
An agent-based simulation of customer multi-channel choice behavior.70.602015
Evolving Secure Information Systems through Attack Simulation30.392014
Komplexe Systeme, heterogene Angreifer und vielfältige Abwehrmechanismen: Simulationsbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung im IT-Sicherheitsmanagement.00.342014
Simulation-based optimization of information security controls: An adversary-centric approach.20.392013
Strategic management of disruptive technologies: a practical framework in the context of voice services and of computing towards the cloud100.672013
A comparison of representations for discrete multi-criteria decision problems.60.452013
Context-Aware Services In Cooperative Value Chains: A Key Player-Centred Approach20.372013
A Multi-objective Decision Support Framework for Simulation-Based Security Control Selection00.342012
Agent-based simulation of innovation diffusion: a review.241.632012
Game-Based Learning In Technology Management Education: A Novel Business Simulation00.342011
Disruptive ICT Service Technologies: Recent Developments and Practical Implications for Strategic Management.20.432011
An agent-based simulation approach for the new product diffusion of a novel biomass fuel151.102011
Multi-objective decision analysis for competence-oriented project portfolio selection291.162010
Interactive selection of Web services under multiple objectives70.492010
A Spatial Simulation Model For The Diffusion Of A Novel Biofuel On The Austrian Market00.342010
An Agent-based simulation model for the market diffusion of a second generation biofuel30.532009
A Multicriteria Decision Support System For Competence-Driven Project Portfolio Selection241.012009
Panel surveys go mobile80.612008
A Case Study on the Multicriteria Selection of Software Components00.342008
Competence-driven project portfolio selection, scheduling and staff assignment.351.582008
Interaktive Portfolioauswahl im IT-Servicemanagement.00.342008
Interactive Decision Support for Multiobjective COTS Selection291.212007
Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Auswahl von Software-Komponenten bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen00.342007
Extending business process management to determine efficient IT investments140.872007
Portfolio selection under strict uncertainty: A multi-criteria methodology and its application to the Frankfurt and Vienna Stock Exchanges.70.702007
Workshop-based Multiobjective Security Safeguard Selection160.952006
Pareto ant colony optimization with ILP preprocessing in multiobjective project portfolio selection553.122006
New Multiobjective Metaheuristic Solution Procedures for Capital Investment Planning200.812005
Pareto Ant Colony Optimization: A Metaheuristic Approach to Multiobjective Portfolio Selection1335.872004
Interactive R&D portfolio analysis with project interdependencies and time profiles of multiple objectives744.652003
Strategic technology planning in hospital management60.842003
Multiobjective Decision Support in IT-Risk Management70.472002
Faire Gruppenentscheidungen in der Investitionsplanung10.692001