Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Dept Comp, London SW7 2BZ, England
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On the Dynamics of Solid, Liquid and Digital Gold Futures00.342022
TxChain - Efficient Cryptocurrency Light Clients via Contingent Transaction Aggregation.10.372020
An Efficient Application Partitioning Algorithm in Mobile Environments10.352019
Uncle Traps: Harvesting Rewards in a Queue-based Ethereum Mining Pool00.342019
Revenue-Driven Scheduling in Drone Delivery Networks with Time-sensitive Service Level Agreements10.342019
Committing To Quantum Resistance, Better: A Speed-And-Risk-Configurable Defence For Bitcoin Against A Fast Quantum Computing Attack00.342019
Committing to Quantum Resistance: A Slow Defence for Bitcoin against a Fast Quantum Computing Attack.20.662018
Towards Safer Smart Contracts: A Survey of Languages and Verification Methods.20.372018
Issue, Trade, Redeem: Crossing Systems Bounds with Cryptocurrency-Backed Tokens.00.342018
(Short Paper) A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! Inclusive Blockchain Protocol Changes in Practice.00.342018
Flux: Revisiting Near Blocks for Proof-of-Work Blockchains.00.342018
Three-way Optimisation of Response Time, Subtask Dispersion and Energy Consumption in Split-Merge Systems.00.342017
Deep Learning for Domain-Specific Action Recognition in Tennis40.492017
Energy-Performance Trade-Offs via the EP Queue.20.402016
Benchmarking Replication In Cassandra And Mongodb Nosql Datastores30.422016
Optimising Hidden Stochastic PERT Networks00.342016
Does disaggregated electricity feedback reduce domestic electricity consumption? A systematic review of the literature.50.442016
Neural NILM: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation622.402015
Dataport and NILMTK: A building data set designed for non-intrusive load monitoring80.512015
Dynamic Subtask Dispersion Reduction in Heterogeneous Parallel Queueing Systems30.462015
CloudScope: Diagnosing and Managing Performance Interference in Multi-tenant Clouds120.542015
Analysis of the Energy-Response Time Tradeoff for Mobile Cloud Offloading Using Combined Metrics60.462015
A Performance Tree-based Monitoring Platform for Clouds10.352015
An Optimal Offloading Partitioning Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing00.342015
Performance Evaluation of NoSQL Databases.80.602014
NILMTK v0.2: a non-intrusive load monitoring toolkit for large scale data sets: demo abstract90.712014
Metadata for Energy Disaggregation141.902014
Going Multi-viral: Synthedemic Modelling of Internet-based Spreading Phenomena.00.342014
Understanding, modelling, and improving the performance of web applications in multicore virtualised environments90.562014
Uncertainty in On-The-Fly Epidemic Fitting.10.382014
NILMTK: an open source toolkit for non-intrusive load monitoring804.052014
`UK-DALE': A dataset recording UK Domestic Appliance-Level Electricity demand and whole-house demand.141.482014
Self-Adaptive Containers: Interoperability Extensions and Cloud Integration00.342014
Modelling Interacting Epidemics in Overlapping Populations.20.442014
Self-adaptive containers: building resource-efficient applications with low programmer overhead30.362013
On celebrity, epidemiology and the internet.30.462013
Towards a monitoring feedback loop for cloud applications20.422013
Reduction of Subtask Dispersion in Fork-Join Systems.30.412013
Trading Off Subtask Dispersion and Response Time in Split-Merge Systems.50.452013
Performance Modelling of Concurrency Control Schemes for Relational Databases.60.482013
Performance modelling of database contention using queueing petri nets80.622013
Product-forms in batch networks: Approximation and asymptotics10.482013
Database system performance evaluation models: A survey220.962012
A common-opponent stochastic model for predicting the outcome of professional tennis matches10.412012
Theory and Practice of Stochastic Modelling.00.342012
Comparative Evaluation of Independent Private Values Distributions on Internet Auction Performance.00.342012
SPORTSBET: A Tool for the Quantitative Evaluation and Execution of Betting Exchange Trading Strategies00.342011
Reduction of variability in split-merge systems.50.502011
Stochastic Modelling and Optimisation of Internet Auction Processes00.342011
Passage-time computation and aggregation strategies for large semi-Markov processes00.342011
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