Indiana Univ, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
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How knowledge contributors are legitimizing their posts on controversial scientific topics: A case of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.00.342019
Analysis of roles in engaging contentious online discussions in science00.342017
Social construction of knowledge in Wikipedia.00.342015
Education in the cyberlearning era: new challenges, opportunities, and applications00.342015
Open educational resource based information understanding via pdf document interaction00.342014
(Re)Inventing the Internet: Critical Case Studies.00.342014
Introduction to Crowdsourcing Content Production and Online Knowledge Repositories Minitrack00.342014
Social informatics and social media: Theoretical reflections00.342014
Scaffolding of scientific publications with open educational resources (OER)00.342014
Out of Asia: Understanding the nexus between technology usage and research productivity in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan.10.352013
Social informatics: now and then20.352013
Observation Research of Consumer Behavior for Marketing Decision Support.00.342011
Online social movements10.382011
Beyond vandalism: Wikipedia trolls140.702010
Cross-cultural analysis of the Wikipedia community241.222010
Learning tacit knowledge in life science graduate programs in Taiwan200.482010
Online communities of practice typology revisited150.992009
Internet use for political mobilization: Voices of participants71.392008
Revising the Conceptualization of Computerization Movements40.422008
The quality of evidence in knowledge management research: practitioner versus scholarly literature70.592008
Global perspective on Wikipedia research100.362008
Knowledge-sharing in an online community of health-care professionals210.962007
Understanding information work in large scale social content creation systems80.382007
Knowledge sharing in online environments: A qualitative case study401.532007
Wiki a la carte: Understanding participation behaviors80.382007
Internet politics: A comparative analysis of U.S. and South Korea presidential campaigns30.522007
Information technology support for communities of practice: How public defenders learn about winning and losing in court120.832007
Behavioral complexity theory of media selection: a proposed theory for global virtual teams130.852007
Anarchists, pirates, ideologists, and disasters: New digital trends and their impacts120.362006
Community Information Capacity Building through Information Systems-A Conceptual Framework Based on Case Studies from India.20.382006
Media selection theory for global virtual teams.10.352006
A Case Study of a Longstanding Online Community of Practice Involving Critical Care and Advanced Practice Nurses40.512006
Knowledge sharing in online communities of practice: Digital trends130.372006
Digital access to government information: To what extent are agencies in compliance with EFOIA?140.412006
Cross-cultural analysis of virtual reference00.342005
Cyberactivism: Online Activism In Theory And Practice10.382005
Analyzing the mobilization of grassroots activities via the internet: a case study70.922005
Empowering users: Cultures and conflicts from social informatics perspectives (SIG USE)00.342004
Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges, edited by A. Aggarwal. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 200000.342004
Community Of Practice: A Metaphor For Online Design ?273.322003
An emerging view of scientific collaboration: scientists' perspectives on collaboration and factors that impact collaboration944.872003
Hate and peace in a connected world: Comparing MoveOn and Stormfront00.342003
Communities of practice with and without information technology80.742002
We're in TITLE to Dream: Envisioning a Community of Practice, The Intraplanetary Teacher Learning Exchange62.172000
Students' Frustrations with a Web-Based Distance Education Course508.121999