Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
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Real-Time Task Scheduling for Machine Perception in Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems50.422022
Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Dual Alignment Network for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification00.342022
Editorial: Cross-Modal Learning: Adaptivity, Prediction and Interaction00.342022
”I can’t name it, but I can perceive it” Conceptual and Operational Design of ”Tactile Accuracy” Assisting Tactile Image Cognition00.342020
CAS(ME): A Database for Spontaneous Macro-Expression and Micro-Expression Spotting and Recognition.160.502018
Micro-expression recognition with small sample size by transferring long-term convolutional neural network.90.492018
SMEConvNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Spotting Spontaneous Facial Micro-Expression From Long Videos.10.342018
The Effect Of Static And Dynamic Gesture Presentation On The Recognition Of Two Manipulation Gestures00.342018
A main directional maximal difference analysis for spotting facial movements from long-term videos.100.462017
Sparse tensor canonical correlation analysis for micro-expression recognition.140.552016
A Main Directional Mean Optical Flow Feature for Spontaneous Micro-Expression Recognition.501.192016
A PMJ-inspired cognitive framework for natural scene categorization in line drawings.20.372016
An Interactive SpiralTape Video Summarization.60.462016
A Main Directional Maximal Difference Analysis For Spotting Micro-Expressions10.342016
Collaboration With Foreign Universities For Innovation: Evidence From Chinese Manufacturing Firms00.342016
Differences of Affective Learning with Own-Race and Other-Race Faces: An Eye-Tracking Study.00.342016
CAS(ME)2: A Database of Spontaneous Macro-expressions and Micro-expressions.20.382016
Recognizing Fleeting Facial Expressions With Different Viewpoints00.342015
Micro-Expression Recognition Using Color Spaces280.792015
Micro-expression Recognition Using Dynamic Textures on Tensor Independent Color Space80.522014
A Sketch-Based Approach for Interactive Organization of Video Clips90.502014
A computational cognition model of perception, memory, and judgment.150.662014
A global energy optimization framework for 2.1D sketch extraction from monocular images110.532014
A General Exponential Framework for Dimensionality Reduction250.772014
Face Recognition and Micro-expression Recognition Based on Discriminant Tensor Subspace Analysis Plus Extreme Learning Machine361.082014
Micro-Expression Recognition Using Robust Principal Component Analysis And Local Spatiotemporal Directional Features270.872014
For micro-expression recognition: Database and suggestions.210.912014
Quantifying Micro-Expressions With Constraint Local Model And Local Binary Pattern60.442014
Positive Affective Learning Improves Memory.00.342014
Different Roles of Foveal and Extrafoveal Vision in Ensemble Representation for Facial Expressions.00.342014
Collaborative Interaction for Videos on Mobile Devices Based on Sketch Gestures60.442013
Optimal-scaling-factor assignment for patch-wise image retargeting.50.382013
CASME database: A dataset of spontaneous micro-expressions collected from neutralized faces481.722013
Differences in allocations of attention to faces during affective learning of chinese people10.632013
A distributed computational cognitive model for object recognition280.522013
User-Adaptive Sketch-Based 3-D CAD Model Retrieval270.782013
3D model retrieval based on color + geometry signatures160.622012
2D-line-drawing-based 3d object recognition00.342012
Primes compete for responses with taregts evidence for a combind mechanism underlying affective priming in naming task.00.342011
Image Retargeting Quality Assessment371.292011
The machine knows what you are hiding: an automatic micro-expression recognition system271.312011
Effects Of Culture, Social Presence, And Group Composition On Trust In Technology-Supported Decision-Making Groups661.612010
"overwriting", not "competing", characterizes the visual working memory consolidation00.342010
Reduced source memory for emotional pictures00.342010
Do different emotional valences have same effects on spatial attention?20.402010
The foundation of JOLs and influencing factors00.342010
Comparison of human face matching behavior and computational image similarity measure.30.412009
A Deeper Look at Gender Difference in Multitasking: Gender-Specific Mechanism of Cognitive Control80.582009
Exposure Time Mediates Perceptual Global Advantage with a Divided-Attention Paradigm10.432009
The Interaction between Chinese University Students' Computer Use and Their Attitudes toward Computer in Learning and Innovation00.342009
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